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I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
i love this. it's so true, and i need to remind myself of it more often. i love everything you write.
not knowing is so hurtful. here you are trying to hang on to everything, hoping that he would want to be with you. but you'll never know what the great plan is. :( i sometimes do wish i know. i know i have to have faith, but i really do wish i know.
I think not knowing is what makes love, love :)
I love this one.
Can't I just have a clue?
same as lyss.. hehe..
but love is faith..
i'll just wait and see..^_^
not knowing makes you try hard for the things you know you can't have now...but the beauty in not knowing is that it never means never.
I'm lost because your voice will never sing again. I was waiting for you to get better release an album I couldn't relate to cos you didn't have anymore pain. You didn't get helped by rehab, stayed in the black. Your final show, displayed your losing hand. Your chips were down.
Your head held high I though you'd get through the troubled track.
I say goodbye you've chosen what you knew and I have to get on without you you to get better release an album I couldn't relate to cos you didn't have anymore pain. You didn't get helped by rehab, stayed in the black. Your final show, displayed your losing hand. Your chips were down.
Your head held high I though you'd get through the troubled track.
I say goodbye you've chosen what you knew and I have to get on without you
Love, love :) I can't wait for this plan of love to unfold*
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