Monday, October 20, 2008

The Time And The Place

I will wait for you here because here is the last place I saw you.


j said...

Oh, lord.
Some of these hit deep, and my heart strikes back with knowing.

Thank you, so much.

I started a photoblog of my own that I wanted to share. I didn't mean to 'copy' you because I've always matched my photos with words, but it's very similar. It's instructions for saving myself, really. Anyways, if you want to check it out:

Me said...

I don't think anyone owns the copyright on using words and pictures together and besides, there's plenty of other blogs like mine which use a similar format.

As long as it makes you feel better about yourself at the end of the day, the more the merrier I say.

Thank you for sharing your blog with me.

Anonymous said...

if i can still picture you leaving as vividly as the day you left, maybe one day i'll be able to see you coming back through the same gates and into my arms.

Anonymous said...

i adore this.

Anonymous said...

I will not leave because we never really said goodbye..

Brit said...

I'm leaving very soon and I hope you'll stay right where you are so that it'll be easier for me to find you when I come back.

Kat said...

this is me right now, way too much. i just wonder if he's waiting for me too.