Friday, February 13, 2009

The Long Hard Road

If nothing else, one day you can look someone straight in the eyes and say

"But I lived through it. And it made me who I am today."


Anonymous said...

What happens when you haven't finished living through it? How do you keep strong so when it ends you can look into someone's eyes and say all those things? What keeps you from utterly failing?

Anonymous said...

I know that...
"someday we'll remember this day and we'll laugh about it"
I know something else too, if nothing else..
a tear is always ready to be shed, even at that 'someday'

thank you

Anonymous said...

For your words...

All of them...

Thank you.

Alix Dahl said...

The amount of times I've been told this and the amount of times it's been true are different.

Anonymous is right...what do you do, what do you say when it feels like you're going to collapse?

All the things I am today have made me who I am, and I'm happy for that. I think I would have been a much worse person if the things that happened, didn't.

But that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt sometimes. It always hurts.

Me said...

It always hurts but it hasn't always hurt. When you hurt, you only remember the times that it hurt, not all the other times in your life when it hasn't. And I'm just as guilty as anyone else for forgetting this.

You get through these things by remembering that things change, they always do. Now is never forever.

You feel these things so you can appreciate it when you feel differently.

Anonymous said...

Bad things make good things seem better. That doesn't change the way the bad things make you hurt.

But really, thank for your words,all of them. Because it helps me and countless other people feel like maybe other people have felt these things too...

Anonymous said...

your words bring me comfort.

Anonymous said...

When I hurt, I remember the times that it hurt, but rememebering all the other times in my life when it hasn't, make it hurt a little more.

Me said...

Yes, bad things hurt. This is life. Good things feel great and bad things hurt. Both these things will happen from time to time and there's nothing wrong with either of them.

I've met people who've been happy their entire lives and while I don't hate them, I do find the people who've felt a little more than that far more interesting. Character, at the end of the day, is all you really have.

Life hurts sometimes and sometimes it doesn't. Boy and girls leave each other. People lose their jobs. People die. Boys and girls find each other, get married and live long and happy lives together. Someone gets a promotion. A child is born.

That's life. And all you can ever do is accept it for what it is. Be glad when it's good. Be sad when it's not. But don't think either will last forever.

Remembering all the times it didn't hurt isn't meant to make to make you feel better. Remembering is a reminder that life changes.

loveology said...

I truly hope so so hard...
i can say that some day


Anonymous said...

This is true to a certain extent. Unfortunately, too much, and you not only become sorta damaged, but it alienates you from others. Especially if it's not something you can march on Washington about or start a foundation for. :P

Anonymous said...

Life is changing. Life has changed. I'm still going to mope when I have to deal with things, but I think they're in the process of getting better. I only fear the time when it will get bad. But going through the good times worrying about the bad isn't really the best choice of action.

I think I will try to remember the good days on the bad ones. It never works, but it helps me remember everything you said- that things were better, and they'll in all likeliness be better again.

OlgaArthalokaBonita said...

it's so incredible
i like your blog ^^

OlgaArthalokaBonita said...

it's so incredible
nice to know you

Kero Ong said...

ah, i can't take your blog in too big doses.. every post hits just a little too close to home and i can't stop the tears from falling.

having said that though, i will continue reading for as long as you continue writing. finding your blog has made life that much easier to bear.

thank you.

Anonymous said...

Who said accepting life is easy? It's all we can do, when we realize we can't really do any more.
I'm alone on valentine's day night because my valentine is at a party due to previous plans and I couldn't get a drive.
He's there. I'm here.
I'm alone. The silence in my house is long and hard and confusing. I'm not hungry, I can't listen to music, I just want him here.
He is not.
He could be, but he isn't.

This is hard.

Anonymous said...

Ps. Thank you for writing your response. You did shine some light on my comment. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

And all the hurt and the trials I will go through in the course of my life shaped me and continues to shape me into the person I am. It makes me stronger and more capable of facing the world everyday.

Hoda said...

this is just what i needed to read
thank you

Anonymous said...

That's life. And all you can ever do is accept it for what it is. Be glad when it's good. Be sad when it's not. But don't think either will last forever.

Remembering all the times it didn't hurt isn't meant to make to make you feel better. Remembering is a reminder that life changes.

It's a lesson we have to re-learn every single day.

Anonymous said...

today i found out my bf of three years has been messing about with someone else, for a while.

Please tell me, until I am ok, how do I fall asleep?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, you don't. It's the worst thing in the world, but you don't sleep. Because sleep is an escape. And somehow life says that you have to think about it and analyze it and go crazy over it before you can escape it. Because life is more than a little cruel.

Me said...

From what I remember, you'll sleep pretty badly for the first few nights and then at some point you'll arrive at the conclusion that it's better that they're gone considering what they did to you and, as a bonus, allowed you the opportunity to find someone who deserves you and vice-versa.

But right now, as I'm sure the majority of the human race knows, it's going to hurt and I'm sorry it feels that way.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the comments. ive been taking sleeping pills to try to waste the night. How is it that wonderful people are always the ones getting so hurt?

Anonymous said...

Because the wonderful people out weigh the others.
So, most of the time, you end up getting someone who doesn't deserve you.

Sleep well. Sweet dreams.

tianamonique--* said...

your words make me feel warm inside.

you are delightful.

loveology said...

I hope i can say this, very
very soon.
I can take this any longer.

debtink said...

You lived.
It made you who you are TODAY,but today is not the end of the line...

You live you learn
You love you learn
You cry you learn
You lose you learn

Anonymous said...

thank you for giving me comfort

Shara said...

your right. thank you for reminding me. i hope you get solace that so many people are comforted by you.

Anonymous said...

I lived though it. I'm still here and breathing.

Anonymous said...

I have read every single post of yours and this is one of the most touching because i tell myself every single day that i have lived through it, through that pain and struggle in my life and each day it keeps giving me more and more strength. Your writing is beautiful, inspiring, and genuine. Please dont ever stop.
Thank you.