Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Ones And Zeroes

You can be as logical, rational and objective as you want, it's not going to change the way you feel.

Put it this way; you telling me that lunch is in an hour doesn't make me less hungry.


Miss B said...

This relates rather too well to a very upsetting argument I had recently with somebody who is now nobody. I think sometimes you might be inside my head when I'm not looking...

Life is funny.

aish. said...

I take it that statement symbolised in some way why you posted the same photo as before...?

Me said...


No Aish, that was a mistake. I blame too many late nights.

Francesca said...

its just like you read my thoughts... maybe you can be my new psychic.

Anonymous said...

So that makes me wonder, how do you change the way you feel?

Anonymous said...

This made me cry, and not because I was laughing.

You know something without really knowing it, I guess...when will I really know whatever it is that will make me feel better?

Cassandra said...

This is personally fitting, at the moment. Details soon.<3

BaggieSue said...

Ahh..well said, I always trying to explain rhis to people who always tell me how to feel...

Morris said...

I see your point~

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is exactly the way I feel sometimes... I don't understand people trying to change the way you feel when they know that they will just fail in the end. Its not them who will change you feel, it is ultimately you, yourself that makes the choice.

Selah said...


i think I love you.

like really. lol.

Anonymous said...

That should be a colon, not a semicolon.

Me said...

If you'd like to proofread what I write, start here

Then, you can move on to this

Have fun,

+Baker said...

Wow. These are powerful posts! You have vision.

+Baker said...

Wow. These are powerful posts! You have vision.

Anonymous said...

I always say that I need to forget it. It's too painful, it's a waste of time, I'm kidding myself and I need to just be done. But I don't know why I can't.

camille said...


Anonymous said...

Yes. I can relate to this post.

And Jessica, what you said is what I feel, too.

Anonymous said...

but, i do feel hungry when you said dinner is within an hour.. i feel hungry when someone eat in front of me, even though i dont feel hungry 5 minutes before :)

Anonymous said...

Luv your perspective...