Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Time We Could Spend

To know you like your tongue knows the back of your teeth. That's all I want.


Anonymous said...

No one wants to know anyone that well, not really.

Well, no one wants to unless it could somehow benefit THEM. That's the only reason anyone does anything. Even me.

I'm waiting for someone to care about what I say, to ask me questions. I'm almost positive that I appear far too boring for anyone to give a flying fuck.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, i can see why you'd want that comment to be anonymous. Sociopath.


Francesca said...

I used to want the same thing you do...he just came around at the worst time possible - and now I don't know if I still want to be that close... =(.

Anonymous said...

I never want to know you that well. I want us to go on learning new things about each other forever. Please have the depth I need from you. Don't let us become static.

Anonymous said...

You do know me that well. I just pretend you don't.

Anonymous said...

If anyone knew me that well I'd be in a psychiatric hospital.

Chop Logik said...

You'll never know me that well. But I say we spend a lifetime trying proving me wrong.

tianamonique--* said...

you are so awesome =]

BaggieSue said...

Maybe, there's a reason why you don't know me that well. Maybe it is the best way.. just to let it be...

erna said...

sumtimes even we dun noe ourselves.but that doesnt change a thing.doubts does.

Anonymous said...

i know you like your tongue knows the back of my teeth, and i wouldnt want it any other way<3

Anonymous said...

My God... I can't even find words for this..

Anonymous said...

How can I?

Anonymous said...

But then again. Maybe I just want to know your tongue and the back of your teeth.