Monday, February 9, 2009

The Town At The Time

Between you and me (somewhere between now and then), this is where we buried the children we once were.


Anonymous said...

let's play hide and seek once more

agnes said...

i'm moved by your words :) how sweet they are.

Anonymous said...

It hurts when it's new doesn't it? It really hurts.

I wish my days could have stayed in tree houses and playgrounds instead of streetsigns and sidewalks. I wish my nights could have stayed in flashlight reading and classical music to help me sleep instead of tired, early mornings and insomnia.

But it never stays like that, does it? It never stays...why won't it stay you guys? Why won't it stay anymore? I want it to stay so much...but it never does.

Morris said...

the day would seem such a farce to me....

Anonymous said...

I'm not buried yet. I'll fight the whole world to keep my inner child alive.

Wincing the Night Away said...

You are such an inspiration. Your words move me and help me on good and bad days i always check back. Thank you so much, your amazing.

Anonymous said...

I just happened to stumble across your blog. It truly is nice to come back and see what you have to say, it tends to make me think of things that I didn't before.

loveology said...

I wish i knew you,
when you were still a child.
I was a much nicer person,
when i was a child
believe me.