Someone else to be as small as they are.
Stay big.
I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
Indeed. This really strikes a chord with me since I just recently DARED start my own business as an artist when you're really supposed to beg for hours as a substitute teacher or work at the grocery store, complaining about your job and longing for the weekend....
♥ visit me at www.afiori.com ♥
thank you for the reminder.
i visited the afiori site and it's really nice. i was getting so restless for your next post iain.
Thank you.
I'm pretty sure I needed to hear that.
And Maria-Therese, your art is beautiful :]
congrats for your winning!
We're destined for greatness.We shouldn't let anyone take this from us.
I was small for so long and and I recently learned to be big again. I missed me.
Sometime you seem to post things right when I need to hear them.
I wish i was big enough to leave him, to leave the situation i put myself into.
this is so true, i refuse to be as small as her, i thought she was my best friend but she's just a small backstabbing person, i'll be a giant compared to her
YES! May I always remember this.
Sometimes I think you are writing the whole blog for me, but then again I'm full of myself. LOL.
Wow I really needed to here this. Thank you very much. I have set big goals for myself and numereous people dont believe or try to talk me down.
Anyways thank you very much and I will stay BIG and become even bigger !
And in trying to make you small, they'll cut you down, size you up, strip you to the bones. Then when it's all been said and done, they'll ask you 'So why again did you say that you couldn't be big?'
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