Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Last Post

I’ve been writing this to you for three long years now. Finally, I showed it to you last night and said “This is all for you. Every word, every picture.”

You said “What the hell is wrong with you? Go do something useful for society instead of buggering around on the internet.”

I said you didn’t appreciate the things I did. You threw a plate at me. I should’ve just got you a Hallmark card instead.


Me said...

Happy April 1st everyone.

Lots of love,


Anonymous said...

Is this rly your last post? ): The things you wrote have been my source of comfort whenever i feel down!

Anonymous said...

I love you.

Alyn Tahir said...

hee... was a scare there. thought it was indeed your last post. hilarious though.... the part about the hallmark card. hee

Anonymous said...

phewww! you got me!
so it was april fool joke right?
thank you!
i thought u really want to stop writting

i love you!

Unknown said...

You also got me! First time in a long time...I'm still perspiring a little and getting my breath back...need some fresh air now...I'll be smiling again after a bit of sunshine and a spot of tea...thank you for everything...

ET said...

that got me, as well.
these posts are the only connection i have to anything, anymore. so eloquently written; i fall in love over and over.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness..
don't DO that to me!!
I was about to burst into tears..I stopped breathing for a second there...
Far out.

I love your posts

I'm so glad this wasn't true.
(it wasn't...right??)

Me said...

No, it wasn't true.

I love you too much for that.

But never let it be said that I don't have a sense of humour.



nisaCH said...

that's such a cruel joke Iain,..


love you too

tet said...

oh my, you got me, too!
i thought this really is the last post. i can't handle goodbyes...

sundaymorninq said...

You had me there. I felt so wretched for having said such hurtful things. It didn't even cross my mind that this would've been your last post.

Thank you so much for everything.

E. said...

not very funny Iain!
aaarggggh I hate april fool's day.I keep thinking that I have to watch out for things like that and I always forget!

KiteKat said...

You got me, too. I felt sick in my stomach and like I was about to cry :(


Cassandra said...


Thanks for reminding me to not listen to anyone today.

Francesca said...

oh you sly thing you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, gosh, that scared me...I didn't want that to be the last post!!

Selah said...

oh wow......... my heart was racing like everyone else's.... you can't leave us!!! LOL

Erica said...

I think if I didn't realize the date so quickly, I would have cried. This was a really sad post. :(

carlyles said...

Iain! I fell for it. My heart sank upon reading your post. It's just a sad and touching post.

Well, I've been writing stuff to someone for quite a while now, and I doubt it's a good idea to let him take a look at it.

Anyway, please be safe, Iain. God bless.

hanna said...

my heart was beating so fast when i saw this then realised it was april fools day, i love your beautiful words so much, thank you for everything, this blog always leaves me with the sense that there's atleast one good person out there.

thank you and i love you


Holly said...

lmao. thank you. :D

eatmychickenpie said...

I almost cried then. Thank god it's just a joke and not real. (:

I would never want you to stop writing for me.

eatmychickenpie said...

And I really hope you & Jon win! I can't wait for 3rd april!


calm interlude said...

nyahahaha.. i thought it was really your last post! you got me there!

Happy april fools Iain and Jon!

Unknown said...

i nearly cried

Me said...

I love you and I'm sorry I scared you.

I'll write this till my fingers fall off, for you.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was a little bit heartbroken for a moment! Tricksy, tricksy.

White Rose said...

You are the only person who has got me with an April Fool's joke today.....Please don't ever go.

Anonymous said...

WHOA i almost died there i did NOT see that coming
that was a really good one though.
oh wow haha

don't ever stop !

Anonymous said...

I was like WTF? Keep writing to the rest of us...


m said...


You scared me. Relieved to hear that it was a joke...


Anonymous said...

don't do that! i only found you a couple months ago but i've never felt so un-alone
(yes it's a word...go look it up)
i hate this holiday.
bottom line: don't leave.

Janie said...

you got me. i got scared. and was suddenly a lot more upset at -said person- than i thought i'd ever be.

your posts are a connection to the reality which many refuse to see.

thank you a million times over.

Kristin said...

Ugh. My heart definitely just stopped for a second.

Anonymous said...

i think i died inside a little.
that was a cruel, sick joke and it just makes me appreciate you all the more. <3

Alyaa said...

Don't stop writing yeah..

Anonymous said...

Iain, hahaha. I knew it wouldn't be your last.
Lots of love!

Anonymous said...

YOou got me there! i'm happy this wasn't your last post.

But i hope you have showed it her before...

Lots of love

ratih adiwardhani said...

haha... thanks god it's just a joke (LOL)

Anonymous said...

It took me two days to actually come back.. I was so afraid it was really over and all I could think was, "but I just got here."

Anonymous said...

wow. i just found your blog. and its amazing! every post you made, makes me wonder would someone ever make a blog just like this dedicated to me.. hahaha btw, i love your blog :D

cheers from Indonesia

Anonymous said...

wow i love you

Heaven of Mamals said...


shara said...

all i can say is that i clutched at my chest when i read this, i felt a physical pain for you.

Anonymous said...

then you shouldnt have let them see. if someone doesnt appreciate what you write/do for them, they are officially not worth it.