Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The New Species

I want to weave you into me. Stick your thorns in and grow. Bleed sap and feel this shining light. Grow strange leaves. Bear this fruit. Share this soil. Bury ourselves. Reach for the sun. Strip this bark. Carve a name and a heart into me. Please.


Ebony said...

Amazing, as always. Picture worked really well with it. And I totally get what you mean...

Ally said...

holy everything.
that is perfection.

Pappelschnee said...

Just perfect ... made me cry. said...

your poetry is so alive. the thorns in me try to capture you. thanks for sharing.

E. said...

wonderful <3
the "stick your thorns and grow" part actually reminded me of this story which makes me cry every single time:

Carrie said...

They just keep getting better. :)

Brittany Miller said...

Wow, the picture and words to that is amazing.

rawr! said...

i love love love this one. really hit a note with me -- you write so gorgeously :)

Candy said...

Another inspirational post.
Lovely, just lovely. (:

beth said...


Beelah said...

I like

Mary said...

sometimes, certain entries really affect me and stick in my mind. The Brace Position is one of them for example. I can add this one to my list....

Inang Hiraya said...

Your words remind me of that certain part of my life. ouch.

Anonymous said...

What I would give to be with you..

But you didn't want this dream with me.

You wanted them.

And now I'm trying to heal myself. Alone.

FeverDream said...

i find myself in this exact place two years too late... and i wonder if i'm actually too late to take you with me.
carve your story into mine, i want to take root with you right here.