Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The To Not Do List

There are a million important things to do. But none as important as lying here next to you.


Nouri said...

Are you sure? There's still that email to send to your boss, and that bouquet for you mom, and taking your niece to the park, and the world to save.
It's ok if you want to finish those first.

m said...

i love this!

siang said...

What one would do to hear that.

misplacedfriend said...


Simple and sweet.
Keep eating those apples, Iain. haha.


Sharon Ng said...


Unknown said...

yes. I wish.

Carrie said...


Anonymous said...

the lover inside me agrees.
but the hero inside me begs to differ.

L said...

I wasn't feeling ill. It wasn't because it was raining. I'd skip class every day if we could just have a sleepy day curled up in bed together.

Anonymous said...

I will ignore the wailing of my essays and midterms. I will ignore the phone. I will ignore everything, if you stay here another hour and let me listen to your heart beating.

Venusian said...

it's cute way of expression.

HC said...

if only that was possible in our situation :(

Anonymous said...

This made me cry.

I would give anything to hear him say that to me. But..that will never happen again. Because he has someone else, someone "better" apparently, and I will now just be known as just the "best friend".

I wish I could get over you. Once and for all.

Ally said...

Or lying here thinking about lying next to you.

Jay Dee said...

I would do it for days and years,
Until I hear you say you want me too.

Rae said...

I wonder if he thinks the same.....I wonder if he thinks of me at all anymore.

Anonymous said...

so true.

Anonymous said...

So true.

Wingless Viet said...

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is true. It's just, I can't be with him. I would want nothing more than to be lying by his side right now. It may be a roulette with the highest risks but I would give so much just to be able to see if he's the one I've been looking and waiting for.