Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Vow Of Noise

I'll understand your silence. Because sometimes, you'll have to understand mine.


NLM said...

there're too many things i want to say to you till i'm left speechless. and that's my reason for being silent.

Anonymous said...


Krys said...

i understand it all too well.. sometimes i just want u to hear me out so badly.. but everything is still silent

Anonymous said...

there are so many things i wanna say to you but i don't know how.

voice said...

This is the best post I've read to date. Simply because it speaks of what's happening to me. Thank you.

vonyd said...

I am silent because I am afraid of the hurt you inflict on me when I speak.

chic-chic said...

your silence is defeaning. i would rather have you screaming at me, raving mad than treat me with coldness and indifference. at least if you are losing your head off, you still feel something for me, rather than this silence that caused me to toss and turn every night and staring blankly at the ceiling at daybreak. i miss you bill.

chic-chic said...

deafening i mean :)

Shandra E...*the misses said...

and sometimes the silence is the loudest thing in the room!

HC said...

I am tearing up as I'm writing this. Your words are so beautiful and it really captures what I want to say right now. Again, thank you.

misplacedfriend said...

Sometimes it's the silence between the words which carry the true message.
Erica <3

Anonymous said...

then you must understand it's not that i'm silent because i've got no words.

see. another useless comment, once again. everything has already been said. and you already know everything i'm about to say.

it's just better to stay queit. cause then, at the same time, you say nothing and you say everything.

Anonymous said...

Your silence is so LOUD I feel it.

Your silence is a language of it's own.

Your silence says everything by saying nothing.

Your silence is hurtful.

I am deaf.

But... now I see!

Anonymous said...

my silence keeps me high.
my heart starts to beat so fast that i can't take it anymore. i want to tell you how much i love you but i don't even know how to start.

Anonymous said...

1 word amazing

iloveyou said...

while you're gathering up your strength to say what i wanted to hear, i promise i'll be calm and patient to wait for the moment you'll
make all my dreams come true..

i miss you so bad...

i'll wait for you, no matter how long it will take, I know it would all be worth the wait...

Anonymous said...

Your lack of action is the action and the silence has been recorded.