Monday, December 7, 2009

The Strangers Were Lovers

You look at me, now, like this and think “This is who they were all along.”

But this is just who I am to other people. And you became other people.


misplacedfriend said...

Beautiful. Sad..or happy, depending on how one looks at it. Which makes it even better.

Happy Monday, friend.

Anonymous said...

Heavy and light, beautiful and bright. Everyone will fade into the dark.

Anonymous said...

Heavy and light, beautiful and bright. Everyone will fade into the dark.

Anonymous said...

Heavy and light, beautiful and bright. Everyone will fade into the dark.

Ally said...

wow. this is so sad.

Marika said...


Auntie Sondos said...

This is perfect. The way it rings truth and brings on memories in new prespectives hurts.

L. said...

I became an 'other person' because that's as close as you'd let me get. That's just how you were.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget, though, that you helped me become "other people", and somehow during my "transformation" I also helped you find "the way you are".
Surely we can get to know each other again?

Maro said...

I tried to show you the real me but you didn't help and block that, so you have to become other person, a regular person, waht you've always hate.

Anonymous said...

such a perfect way of expressing whatever that feeling is! Lovelovelovelove!

GeorgeDubya said...

Nothing quite as sad as when you realize someone you know becomes someone you knew.

Anonymous said...

You were a person that used to be close to me. And when that time was over, I now realize that I wasted too much time on you.

Anonymous said...

It's easier to let you hate me, because you have the capacity to hate. We're different. I could never hate you, so it's easier this way. This way I know we can't ever happen again. It's ok.
I loved you, too.

Anonymous said...

You gave up on me. Now you're just another girl.

† [shÍñ]z0ü` said...

all so true.

Anonymous said...

everyone becomes other people eventually. because no one can be you. there's two perspectives, you vs. other people, and no one will ever see you the way you do. i don't know if this is good or bad but it seems to mean we'll feel misunderstood forever.

Anonymous said...

You can never know someone.

Sarah said...

I know you don't think you did me wrong
And I can't stay this mad for long
Keeping a hold of what you just let go
You're just somebody that I used to know

-Elliot Smith (Somebody That I Used To Know)

Chop Logik said...


Anonymous said...

You need to evolve too.
If you always do the same, you always have the same.
You like what you had?
How happy you were?
I'm sure you weren't happy.
Otherwise you wouldn't be calling.

Stop claiming please.
You should be grateful.

Anonymous said...

I wish i didn't act like you're other people. Caus you aren't.

.eileenemily. said...

"so what if i see the sunshine in the pouring rain? some people think i'm crazy, you say it's ok. you've seen my secret garden, where all of my flowers grow. in my imagination, anything goes. i, i am all you want-they just read my wrong. cause you get me."
-michelle branch

i think more than anything i wish you didn't let us get to this point. this distance between us is awfully far and terribly cold. even from the moment i met you, before i knew what you would do to me and how you would touch my life, i knew in my core that you would never be as mundane as, "other people." and that's all you'll let yourself be to me anymore.
i'll tell you.
it kills.
it wasn't supposed to be this way.

Anonymous said...

This is the first one in a long time to be written for you.

Anonymous said...

Actually I don't get the post, but I don't care because that is not what drives me. I'm sure is good.

I do what I have to do.
And I won't stop it.

I love, but I obey too. :)

direangel said...

this one really hit me.

Anonymous said...

This got to me..
I think the worst part is that you don't understand. You don't remember how I was when you weren't 'the other people'. You just live in the present, and see me how you see me now. I wish you'd just remember. Because I do.

Anonymous said...

This one hurts more than any of the others.
I'm in this situation. In this moment right now. I knew everything about you, now, I don't even know who you are.

GeorgeDubya said "Nothing quite as painful as when someone you know becomes someone you knew." (Which were words I also loved.)

Simply growing apart so quickly hurts more than if an argument would have caused the death of us.
We caused our own collapse.

Anonymous said...

yes. he changed.

Unknown said...

so sore. so much pain. when does it go away? i found a note on my desk with a link to this blog. what does it all mean? please release me from these chains of fear.

Anonymous said...

i am still me..
i just need to become the person you think i am now because you will never see
how much i valued you in my life...

i hope this is enough...
perhaps, you were wondering why things have changed between us...

it's not because i want to hurt you but because i'm tired of getting hurt too..

i have been trying so hard to tell you what these words--->ILOVEYOU means but i just end up crying because it will never matter to you

i am not just another girl...
you aren't just another guy..
you were extraordinary...but
you just let it all slip away...

i don't ask for too much..
i just need you to tell me if you knew all of these all this time...

maybe you do..maybe you don't..

Anonymous said...

i am still me..
i just need to become the person you think i am now because you will never see
how much i valued you in my life...

i hope this is enough...
perhaps, you were wondering why things have changed between us...

it's not because i want to hurt you but because i'm tired of getting hurt too..

i have been trying so hard to tell you what these words--->ILOVEYOU means but i just end up crying because it will never matter to you

i am not just another girl...
you aren't just another guy..
you were extraordinary...but
you just let it all slip away...

i don't ask for too much..
i just need you to tell me if you knew all of these all this time...

maybe you do..maybe you don't..

Anonymous said...

Ouch. I know what you mean.

li-thium said...


Anonymous said...

I know better.
You're so much better than this.

Anonymous said...

Please don't look at me that way. I'm the same girl you loved; I haven't changed, you've just forgotten. Oh, please remember.

I miss you. I miss us.

Anonymous said...

This speaks the truth in just a few words.

Anonymous said...

That wall of yours really hurt.

JulesMate said...

and they shall re-live their dreams again.
And I am left with fantasy inside reality.
Just stop pretending.

Libby said...

This looks just like the subway station where I ran into my long forgotten love as a stranger, only to remember who he was again years later. :)