Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Way This Works

If you get between me and the things I love, I will ask you politely to move.

If you get between me and the people I love, you will move.


GeorgeDubya said...

And if by a quirk of fate, you do not move, I will move you.

Abaddon said...

lol this one made me laugh

Anonymous said...

lol this sounds like a diss.

Luna said...


Marika said...

that was brutal)

rainbowtear_kat said...

my day today!! :) love it!!! :))))

Anonymous said...

hell yeah ")

Apple N. said...

There's just no other option :)

Anonymous said...

this reminds me of the massive attack song with the line that goes, 'but if you hurt what's mine, i'll sure as hell retaliate'. awesome song, awesome post :)

Susane said...

That's very agressive. But is like that. :)

Won't happen.

Anonymous said...

And if you don't move yourself between me and the people I love, I will move you. And it will not be politely.

Chop Logik said...

So much of what we perceive to be rude, ignorant or mean, is actually driven by someone with this in their mind.
Unwittingly, we can position ourselves between a bear cub and it's mother. Can we really fault the bear for its aggressiveness, just because we weren't intentionally provoking it?
Let's all just try and be aware of each other's paths.

Anonymous said...

Love always find a path, if it doesn't wasn't Love.

Nothing to be afraid of.

Anonymous said...

Love is fusion.
Everything is in a constant fusion.
So we improve.
Don't force the incompatible.

Anonymous said...

that was harsh.
and kind of irritating.
i've always found those people who say "MY LOVED ONES ARE THE BEST ONES IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD", or "if you hurt MY girl, I'll kill youuu" self-centered. off course you love your family and friends, it's natural. but there are also other people.

and i know you didn't mean it like that. just thoughts...