Sunday, February 14, 2010

The World Leaning On Your Shoulder

You know all their stories but none of their stories know you.

And you've felt all their pain but their pain has never bothered feeling you.

So you take their medicine. Even though you've had too much medicine.


Anonymous said...

I can't even express how much I love this.

Anonymous said...

your shoulder hurts
but you continue to let them lean,
leaving less time to find your own prescription.

Anonymous said...

damn. I never thought your posts would come at the right time, until now. This one is my lucky one. Thank you.

hp said...

and i've always wondered if the medicine ever actually helps.

i'm just not sure.

Sage Ravenwood said...

Profound! (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

i just don't understand the last line =\
could someobody pleaseee explain today's blog?

x said...

i love the titles of every single one of your blogs.
this entry is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I think what he meant by the last line was that you feel stuff from other people all the time and they always expect you to listen even though sometimes you've had enough of listening.

meagan said...

thank you. more than you can imagine. thank you so much. you have no idea what these words mean to me, how much i needed them. how much i needed for someone to get it.

Anonymous said...

OH yeaa that makes much more sense now
thank you for explaining that :)

Anonymous said...

my favorite.

Anonymous said...

and we've swallowed our words because they won't stop talking. and we've worked overtime because they won't stop taking. and we've turned off our phones because they won't stop calling. and we can't question because they won't stop asking.

Anonymous said...

i love what was stated above by anonymous. ^^

insonarnia said...

Great piece of writing. :)

Anonymous said...

i know exactly what this feels...

Hopeless Romantic said...

Story of my life.

Relucant Mom said...

I've just had a moment that resonates with my soul ... wow ...

aish. said...

Thomas Orand <3 ah, Jon is a genius.

Anonymous said...

This is perfect. <3

Anonymous said...


dreaminglostlonelygirl said...

maybe you'll forget to feel

Sentiment said...

I've heard all their words, but their words have never bothered hearing me.

I've embraced all of their hearts, but their hearts have not embraced me.

And I've accepted all their perspectives, but their perspectives do not accept me.

I've got bottles and vials of cures, but not a single solution. So, no, I'm not taking their medicine anymore.

Anonymous said...

Why do I feel such anger towards you today?
Why do I feel such great disappointment?
You bottle everything inside.
You assume everything.
You push everyone away.
What are you so afraid of?

You are your own medicine,
you are just too stubborn to take it.

I know it well. Thank You. It's a pleasure.