I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for.
You were meant to read these words.
You’ve always felt special. Different. And also… a little misunderstood. That’s ok. Future generations will understand your pain, and why you became what you became. It feels good, doesn’t it? That I know, even if no one else knows (for now). I know who you are and what you’ve been through. I know everything. In the future, your life story will be studied like the New Testament. I can only apologise that we didn’t work out a way before now to tell you who you really are. I’m sorry, I know I’m rambling but it feels like I’m meeting a celebratory.
Thank God you found this. All the blank bits are about to be filled in.
Ponderous man, real ponderous
If this is the side project, it needs publishing.
there seems so much pain attached to everythin
Then I hope you find something that takes that pain away.
I could cry, having read this.
That wasn't my intention but I am moved but how you are moved by it.
I found this blog today and read it backwards. I told myself I had to read every post down to the first one. I dont even know. This is like...yeah. No words.
Thank you for reading it :)
hey, thanks. I found what I needed. you handed it to me.
i just found your blog....im going to read every bit of it....im so inspired by you....
I read every word you wrote from the last entry up until the first.
And I've come to the conclusion that this is my most favorite site in the whole wide world.
It was always because of you.
How beautiful this is. Thank you for starting.
And I hope you never find a reason to stop.
i did exactly what foryouiwill and Arpi did right now at 2 in the morning. you are amazing<3
I found this. I found it about a week ago and I read every single post in the past few days alone. I'm thankful for finding it more then I will ever know how to say, but I had to thank you still. Thank you for writing this for me.
Thank you for making me find this site. I admire you in every way especially how you can find words and create amazing texts to express how you feel or things that you believe should be heard.
Thank God I found this. You make me think like no one else ever has. And you make me feel as well. I've read every single post from the latest to this. It took me one and a half hours. It was worth it.
This was amazing. i've read your every blog post. some were read at the perfect time. some made me cry. but all were amazing. thank you for writing all these. thank you.
I'm just wondering if you have experienced all this. Because I think no one can write something so heartfelt unless one experienced it himself.
i found this site thanks to a friend... took me two days to read every post so far... to you i say: thank you. ^w^ i'm glad i stumbled upon this.
I haven't read the entire blog yet, but I plan on it.
This is beautiful. There's not really anything I can say.
It's inspiring beyond belief, and I hope that it will inspire many many others after me.
Goodluck to you. I hope she will find this.
Thank God I did find this. Today, I stumbled upon this blog. I read every single posting in about 5 hours. And then I cried. This IS what I have been looking for. Unconditional love, even from somebody that I don't know. It helps to know that somebody does care. This is going to sound strange.
I love you too. I love you for what you write and what you don't write. I love you for the love behind every keystroke. I love you for loving me. I love you.
Strange...I just found this today. At first I thought you were writing this for someone significant in your life. But after reading your first entry, I think fate brought me to your site today because you have been writing this for me all along. I just wanted to tell you that I've finally found it. It's not a coincidence that I've found this after you wrote your Open Letter. Tonight, I will go home and read all your past posts. Then when I get to the end, I expect more posts that will inspire and encourage me. So you can't give up because I'm here now.
I have seen your message now,thank you.
Thank you. i love you.
This is amazing. I'm at a loss for words.
I love you for writing this blog. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Having yesterday discovered a lump in my uterus and having started to look at life in a different way. Im very thankful for having occasionally found this today. Don't even remember how I got here.
In that case, today, I wrote this for you.
You're in my thoughts <3
For the truth, i dont like emotional writings, they mostly sounds superficial and selfish to me... For the very first time, i felt the truth, like a pure science, in these writings. Like you found a common memory in everybodies brains' and talked to us directly while touching our memories. Like you wrote this for every one of us... Thank you.
i found this blog about two days ago. i would read it all, but i'm scared i'm not ready to hear everything you have to say yet. so i will flick through when i'm in need and i know you will help me sort it out when i'm ready. thank you, in advance.
While you wrote your feelings on scraps of paper, I learned how to hide my feelings bury them so they could not find their way back to heart.
Today I suffer cause I can't take it. I hear my feelings screaming for attention but I don't know how to reach them. I keep looking for someone who can do that for me. Complete the jobs I started.
I will never be able to love this way.
I haven't read the whole blog yet, but i am working on it. I have husband in Afghanistan. Today some friends in his squadron were shot down and died. I come here to read on days like this because it helps. I may not be who you wrote this to, but I like to think I am.
Arpi said everything I wanted to say.
i love you
I found your blog today.
Now I need it like I need air and water.
Thank you for writing it.
Stumble can lead to a lot of great things, and i'm glad it lead me to this when it did, its amazing what one can stumble upon when one only takes the time to do so
Everything you've written is just beautiful, and it's been the perfect ending to my life. that sounds odd, but I don't have muhc time left, so I stand by this is the perfec ending to my life. It's everything combined and I've never felt soo much in just two hours of my short life. Thank you, for writing beautiful things. Thank you for writing for "you." But mostly, Thank you for just being you.
P.s. You're loved more than you know.
These are the most painfully beautiful (or beautifully painful) words I have ever read.
i have no idea who you are, but your words are beautiful and uplifting.
I love you. That's all I can say.
i spent the whole day going through your whole blog. thank you. :D
What am I? An object or a project? I'm a human that needs to be love not a 'guinea pig'. What is the point of being famous when I don't even know what's happening.
thank you for your listening.
help to find what is murmuring in my mind.
You're amazing just the way you are.
Someone trying to steal your words.
i scrolled down to the first ever post you made here. i needed to see the "why" and the "what".
thank you. i believe you gave hope to so many lonely souls.
hope in white on black.
Every ounce of me wishes that you wrote this for me. I am heart broken because you didn't. Every word that you write makes me hope that someday you will.
I actually did read all the posts from the first one to the last one. Yes. I did.
I should leave a prize here or something for people who do, thank you for reading, it really does mean a lot to me <3
I wouldnt usually post a comment like this but i want to thank you. Your words have made me a better person, you've helped me see that there is beauty in everything. I hope this means something to you too.Thank you.
I wouldnt usually post a comment like this but i want to thank you. Your words have made me a better person, you've helped me see that there is beauty in everything. I hope this means something to you too.Thank you.
I wanted to cry when I read this. But in a good way. Always in a good way.
I just found this blog and I'm so glad I did. :3
I would just like to say, that I have been reading these blogs since I found your site one late July night. You have helped me live my life and always keep me thinking. There are no words to express how much of an impact you have had on my life, even though we gave never spoken. It must have been fate that brought me here. And thank god it did.
I don't remember how I found this or when, but I've only now caught up. Someone else used to say things that made me feel the way some of things you write do, but I made some mistakes and wasn't very good to them, so I don't think I'll ever hear those things from them again. Thank you for helping me feel like I did back then. I never stopped missing it, but I was starting to forget what it was like - if that makes any sense. I think you understand what I mean. And while I never thought anyone had so much to say to me, I'm glad that of everyone who could have, it was you. You've helped me through a hard year and a half. I'll see you soon.
This is amazing. Thank you for your beautiful work. I hope you never find a reason to stop writing. :)
Hier sit ek, met 'n bek vol tande... weet nie wat om te sê nie. Wow. Dankie. Net Dankie.
and after almost 3 years, finally all the blank bits are basically filled in, isn't it fantastic? :D
I was proposed to in my dreams by a man that had blueish-green eyes. This is my bed. This is my dream. Things are not what they seem with the girl that is in charge now. Her mask will be revealed at the right time. I have faith in that and in karma. Messages have already been sent out into the universe by me. I am the queen of manifestation. Try me.
Your posts left me speechless. I am moved by them. Thank you so much for sharing this to us. This means a lot. Thank you.
i cant help but notice. this was posted just months after i realized i had a love for words. and a talent with using them.
Amazing work just amazing. Not sad words, just miss understood by some. I love both of your books.
Well, I did find this and I want to thank you very much for having put this here, and for you books. They have helped me out in many ways and I've greatly enjoyed reading all the entries I have. Thanks you! :) <3
do i know you? seems like you filled up the void in my past 9 yrs... i kept on asking him questions and for signs. the timing correlation is unbelievable. it feels that indeed... he = you wrote this just for me.
Thank god I found this.
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