Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Common Thread

You don't get to pull these stitches out. No matter how much I still love you.


Sugar Me said...

A Capie huh? That is where my family is from.

Me said...

I'm actually from Port Elizabeth but I've spent the last ten years in the Cape, yes :)

Selah said...

I've read this a billion times... And this time, the meaning finally dawned on me. (Yes, I'm slow. Lol)

Thank you =)

Anonymous said...

Some may feel squeamish about eating it, but rabbit has a fan base that grows as cooks discover how easy they are to raise — and how good the meat tastes.

Anonymous said...

Rabbit is supposed to be the closest to human flesh when it comes to flavour... practice for the end time!

Anonymous said...

I also just understood this for the first time...