I hope you don't have to come back here ever again.
I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
I wrote This For You, Your blog is very nice and you had good content!
Stayed to built a blog that was useful for visitor and always thought to publish content that was great. Heeee, just support you…………………
Hope u have a great day!
From: Ousizch
Holy crap your blog is amazing!!!!
I love reading all of the things you have written, it's mind blowing, I may not know who you are writing to, but it's still outsanding =)
I hope the rest of your week goes well! ♥
Marysia... you may not know yourself? ;)
All the words and photos on this site are beautiful and fascinating. But I thought this photo was especially provoking because of its comparison of youth and old age. The young man is looking up, perhaps to the sky, and the older man is bent over, looking down towards the earth. It's an incredible shot.
No, I come here for inspiration. Sometimes it's happy. Sometime it's sad. But, it's always beautiful and true.
Not always. Sometimes though. It helps.
But if you do come here, I will be ready to lift you up with my broken wings, because I can fly when you need me to.
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