Thursday, March 19, 2009
The End Bit Is Animated

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I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
I am really trying hard to help a certain person with a certain big thing and many little things.
But though I helped for a moment, I think I lost him.
I really hope I didn't lose him. I don't know if I could handle that.
What if you're so preoccupied solving other people's small things, and their big things, that no one seems to notice your own small things? Maybe that's selfish...
But what if your small things are all building up to one big thing? A big thing that's growing...but no one seems to notice.
Ha, I really wish we could be helped out too every once and a while...
as i read this....my heart is so full. it is so true, that people only come to your rescue when you are bleeding...
im also wondering about the same thing..we all know this deep down..most of us just don't know that This is Water..
*hugs* to all of us whose small things are still unnoticed..
You, Iain, are the Small Things Guru. No one helps me cope more than you do. I've never been hit by a car. I've never lost a loved one. My life is small things. And you heal them little by little every day you post.
jessica said it perfectly.
sometimes i see people around me that seem so lonely and i've thought of approaching them somehow many times but in the end i do nothing at all. and this is why we all stay lonesome and quiet.
thank you.keep on posting i am waiting for a little healing message everyday when i get back home.
oh my God
didn't thought of it that way.. you're right.
so true.
i am waiting for someone
to help me out.
just help me out.
i don't expect anything else.
I read this post just now.
To the 12 people who replied to this post-- you're not alone. And I'm sure all of us are more than grateful that Iain shares his gift with all of us. As Jessica said, through his writing, he heals us everyday. Let's continue living our lives, even if our "small things are left unnoticed." *sighs*
Thanks everyone. I really needed this today. Always take care of yourselves. We'll be alright. We'll all be alright.
I was so busy solving the world and I didn't realize the one person I love most was the one screaming out for the most help...I kept pushing aside the little things he would tell me. It broke my heart when i finally realized.
What a sad truth. And i couldnt agree more.
Thank you for your little pieces of healing words each few day.
My response to this:
Sometimes even when I am surrounded by a crowd do I feel the most lonely.
The world might see you as nothing but you mean the world to somebody else.
Sadly you're right, Iain. And I just want to tell all those people who I leave, dying slowly, that I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I know what's happening every second you're dying and yet I'm too self-absorbed ad uninterested to care, until the last moment you burst and it becomes a huge deal-- that I bother to comfort you.
For what it's worth, hate me, loathe me. I'm sorry. I really am.
isnt this always the case... friends and people you know are only ever really there for you when big things come into your life... but once the initial blow of that subsides just a little bit.. they all disappear - true friends however still stay for the little things... even the smallest of the smallest things.
I'm sorry. I'm trying my hardest not to ignore you. Just give me some time to find you.
This is so true. Sad but true.
you're right, sometimes little help means a lot to some person...
this is exactly what im feeling right now. maybe i shouldn't be so pessimistic.
i feel lost. but i don't want to be lost. coz i have this fear of not being able to be found.
I need help. I've let this build on my own, pretending with my friends that I'm alright and not vocalizing by any means what is going on inside of me. I can't find the right person to tell. I feel like it's almost too late to say something, to get it out on the table, I'm scared and weirded out about telling people I'm hurt.
I've been suffering alone. I've been strong in my bed, crying. I've been keeping everything inside, and talking about some of it to the person who hurt me, the one I am trying to work things through with.
They need to know I've been changed, even just a little. I've been affected. I just feel it's all me. It's too late to get them up to date on how my heart has fallen out of place, and teared, slowly, into little, odd-shaped pieces. And at the same time, I don't want them to know.
Only he does, and then can really never know because he's not feeling what I feel.
Nobody knows what we feel, and everyone does. I can't explain what it is with me. I feel like everyday because I haven't told my friends and the people around me that I have suffered, that I'm in my own little world.
I'm trying to handle everything by myself because that's kind of the way I want to keep it. I just wish someone could understand my pain, kiss my forehead, and my eyes, and accept what I have to say, my heart, what has happened.
As time passes, and my friends know less and less, I become disconected. I faze in and out. I go into a daze, harder than usual, and I feel generally like something is wrong and I am not myself because I feel sad, tired and hurt.
I don't think I can do it alone, and I don't know when I'll be able to forgive.
I want answers.
And understanding. And I want a kiss. And I want a hand, and patient eyes who love me and listen, who can help me understand all this mess and what to do about a boy that I love.
It's growing. I need help.
Oh, Anonymous. You have left me breathless with your rawness.
This is me, extending an outstretched hand, and placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
You are loved, truly. Know that. Try to.
Miss B? Thank you, so much.
How profound - "death kills more than the person it takes" When a dear friend died recently, the devastating effect on their family and close friends proved the truth of these words.. Which is worse, I wonder : the sudden end to life? or the gradual death of hope or love?
i'll try my best for not ignoring people around me.
we're all dying little by little... those who care are those who really love you.
the death thats hidden in every minute, every breath is far more worse than the end that happens just once!!
wish the world understood it and helped!!
I felt, perhaps still do that life is kinda not worth living.
The hardest part is knowing that if I dared spoke such thought I would be judged, returned to another cold place handing out pills in hopes of achieving sanity.
I am not insane, I am scared.
So young, and so unsure of every choice I make.
What if I am doing it all wrong?
Even after an 11 year absence my mother doesn't share with me advice, and my father after 11 years of bring there just decided to leave me when I needed him the most. 6 years later, and still on own.
I was always there by your side , not in person . But fighting for you n what was right for u. I didn't want things to get messed up . Realise we all r human n have heart. If your was the one that broke then may be mine was shattered in pieces which I can't even find. Pls forgive me my love I know oys too late ... but its better be late then never .. I have loved u n will always do pls come back n give a chance .. I.ll be by your side forever n ever.
All we can do is say I'm glad I could help and Walk Away. Someone will take notice and that someone will be That Someone. Continue being you and Support any soul that needs reaching out too. You've been Noticed by Me and millions around you :)
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