Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Tree That Grew While You Were Away

Did you think I would forget how to love? It's like riding a bike. Everyone falls off and scrapes their knees sometimes.


Sara said...

This is so true...it made me sit back and think..

Anonymous said...


in medicine, any scar would bring about some unexpected complications. but it's change nevertheless. some change from the usual course of things.

you fall and it leaves a mark, and it changes how things turn out.

it's loving, in a lot more different way.

aish. said...

The difference is, some people fall on grass. And some people fall 2 blocks downhill, which leave scars too great to heal.

These people just prefer not to ride bikes anymore, if it keeps them safe.

Anonymous said...

i always wonder how you could know what i am longing for. i go here, read what you have written and everything fits just perfectly.
thank you so much.

Miss B said...

Oh, Aish. -- yes, yes, yes.

And some of them just keep sticking themselves tenuously back together with scotch tape and bits of string and things and getting back on the damn bicycle.

Surprisingly, it doesn't get any easier to see the impending crash and fall -- you'd think maybe it would.

Anonymous said...

The rise and fall of my sloppy love.

Anonymous said...

This was so enlightening, Iain. This was perfect.

Anonymous said...

Really just the way it is, perfect.

Anonymous said...

if you have real faith in love you shouldn't let some people that hurt you in the past do that thing to you. who knows ? maybe our soul mate is out there somewhere waiting for us. we must not lose our faith and trust in other people.

Anonymous said...

This is what I needed to say today. Thank you for being the words.

Anonymous said...

And a few people crash and die.

BaggieSue said...

I love this one. It really touches me.


Anonymous said...

but most of us get back on the bike once more to try again, no matter how many times we get hurt.
I feel as though it is better to be experiencing love instead of being safe since love is really, really about taking risks? Of getting your feelings ignored, or your heart trampled upon and broken? But that the rewards are always, always worth the hurt?

Anonymous said...

i've had many lovers, but i've never fallen in love. Something must be wrong with me.

taonglangit said...

I just fell of the bike a few days ago. T'was my first and it hurt so much because I waited so long for that chance. Now, I don't know if I'll ever regain the courage to ride the bike again..


Anonymous said...

Somebody is beckoning me to ride again after four months.

I'm scared.

Chop Logik said...

I got back into bike riding after 6 years, and it was exhilarating + wonderful. Now I just need to apply the reality's feeling to the metaphor, because I'm still scared to get back on that bike. But I know it will be just as exhilarating + wonderful.

Thanks for this post, and everyone's thoughts on it.

Anonymous said...

After you've crashed, and you get back on that bike for the sake that he is waiting for you on the other end of the street, still.. Then, what? You're hurt by the time you get there. Your knees are bleeding and you're not sure if you ever want to ride your bike to meet him again. After all, he told you the path was less stony than it was.

But you did. You got up and continued to ride your bike down the street to see him. And you're broken. And he's smiling because you've fallen and he's still waiting, trying to make it all better.

But you fell. In every way a person can fall. He hurt you. Yet, the hurt of the crash, no matter how severe, tormenting, burning, awful, seems not to compare with the thought of never riding to meet with him again.
To look into those eyes. The same illusive eyes. Unconditionally.

Anonymous said...

The comment above mine made me cry. Haha.
Just want to say thank you to everyone's comment and of course the person who posted.

Anonymous said...

I agree with S. The comment made by Anonymous had me feeling indescribably numb. And I wrote in my journal this after I saw it:

He wouldn’t be smiling because I’ve fallen and he’s not waiting, trying to make it all better. I’m so drained from falling down from my bike, and riding it again nonetheless. I would like to stop, but I can’t do it. I can’t bring myself to.

Francesca said...

How can I ever forget how to love you though?

you are my unicorn.

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow. Thank you S and Carlyles. It feels a bit better knowing someone has felt this way, that they might know.. that you have, or do. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

And thank you, Iain. Again.

Anonymous said...

It is love. It burns.

Anonymous said...

and love is not a feeling exclusive to one person. you ride the bike, but you don't need to follow the same path

Délices said...

My favourite

WomanInLove said...

I hope I have not!

Unknown said...

It took a while for the ground to become fertile again, to find the right seed. To nurture a sapling so it grows straight and strong. And yet, for all the care and nurturing, a lot of things can happen. The fruit may be bitter...but that's alright. Love is a verb.