Time grabs you by the hand and pulls you fast. Sometimes faster. And we don't notice at first because we're all still shocked at being alive.
I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
That's beautiful
Thank you for starting my day off right again :)
Way too fast, I would say.
This is amazing - so beautiful.
i really miss you. and i'll write these stupid little notes because I know you'll never read them and I know you'll never know it's me. It's my way of telling you how I feel without really telling you.
yes. very.
and sometimes you find someone that grabs time by the hand and slows it down. just for the two of you.
i found that someone.
I really miss you too so call my name I'll be there, so tell me what you feel for real.
It can go as fast as it wants- it's the exhilaration I seek. What's time worth if it's not brought us satisfaction?
i just realised, i should stop focusing on the bad stuff, the shock has gone so i should start living and start taking it all in, whether things are moving too fast or too slow, other wise i'm going to miss it all.
As I sit in awe everyday and watch the words turn to memories I'm reminded the present moment is what brings true happiness.
For looking far ahead makes me lose sight of the goodness in front of me, and gazing over my shoulder at the past causes longing for what never was.
So, I'll choose peace...today. And allow the world to pull me along in due fashion. :-)
I love your writings; their truly inspiring..
but in particular to this one.. i find time kinda scary... :/
please find me... alive
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I look at every anonymous comment and wonder if it's you.
Has time sped back up for you? I'm still stuck.
you'll never read this.
but if i could tell you something, it'd be that i love you. i don't know why but my heart is aching for you. i could never actually say that to you, and you would never actually understand. but it's killing me that time is passing by so quickly (we've known eachother for six months already) and nothing has happened and probably never will. this past half a year has gone by like nothing. your feelings for me change as quickly as heartbeats. and i just need you to stay, i need you to want me, i need you so much closer than you could ever know.
I wonder if you read this comments. I wonder if you know its me.
Life can't move fast enough right now. I'm running as fast as I can. But I still can't get away.
and sometimes
there is no time.
i've lost two years of my life.
two years.
and i'm gonna lose more, probably.
the clock is ticking on the wall but nothing changes.
someone. has. to. come. and. help.
the only problem is i have no idea who could do that.
would you? would you come?
if only.
Hm. Has it ever occurred to you that she might not really love you?
Or that she's already in love with someone else?
I feel you.
I can't articulate the truth in this. How do you find the words...the truth?
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