“It just creates and then fulfils a series of needs.”
“That’s all it does?”
“So why is it so sensitive? It’s not like it’s conscious.”
“It has a degree of choice but not nearly to the same extent as a certain other machine.”
“How do you mean?”
“It creates lists.”
“Yes, lists. It orders the things it wants to do and then does them, in order of what it defines as most important to it.”
“It doesn’t sound terribly impressive.”
“It is the most important machine here. In fact, it creates importance. It decides whether or not you consider the taste of something more important than the effect of it or whether the feeling of a song is more important than how tired your legs are. It decides whether or not it’s more important to you to spend time with the ones you love than it is to be at work. It decides whether or not it’s more important to you to pay your bills than do the things you’d rather be doing.”
“Bloody hell.”
“You know what the worst part is?”
“This isn’t the first time I’ve been called down here to fix it.”
“It breaks often?”
“Not often. But it does break. I’ve seen ones that have broken too often or too much. Held together with bits of tape and string. A great sheet of nothing wrapped around, just so they can hold it together.”
“Could that happen to this one?”
“It has the words ‘Anything Can And Quite Often Does Happen.’ inscribed across the front. What do you think?”
“I think it’s insane.”
I love this. Its witty and beautiful :0)
This.. is.. BRILLIANT.
So brilliant. So true. You put my thoughts into words in the most beautiful and poetic ways.
Sometimes everyone's heart needs some surgery when emotionally broken...
i'm glad that you're there to repair the bits for me. even long after you've passed, i know you're the one fixing me again and again. <3
Captivating. You took the feelings and ripped them right out of my soul.
This is beautiful.
Jack Savoretti - Dreamers comes in my mind and sings along. Crazy.
Wow, stunning as usual!!! I love the dialogue between two unknown entities, and how heart was never mentioned but we all know what it is they're talking about.
This is great! I love it!
And, it's so frustrating when trying to believe that our heart will not deceive us nor let us fall into a deep black hole. Why would it do that to us? Is there not love in there?
It's real, isn't it.
It's not going to be real for much longer. It's onesided-ly real. For me. Not you. So it's not real because it take TWO. Not just me.
love it...best of the week!
When was the last time I've read anything so great ?
Never. I don't know how you do it. It's mind-blowing.
‘Anything Can And Quite Often Does Happen.’
It's not insane. Just trying to get its sea legs!
Amazing, just amazing. I started reading from the beginning a few weeks ago and this is the first time I comment because this one really got me.
Thank you so much for writing and you're truly talented. I'll definitely buy the book!
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