Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Subtle Expressions

It's no coincidence. I play that song around you so maybe you'll actually listen to the lyrics for once and know how I feel.


BaggieSue said...

If only you would stop to notice and actually listen to what it say...

calm interlude said...

i do that too... :'(

eatmychickenpie said...

Out of all the words that I've ever said to you, the lines you never read are the ones I played for you. (:

Anonymous said...


alix.dahl said...

The song he made me listen to I realize was a message that he couldn't tell me himself.

I wish he was able to, I really hate Jason Mraz.

Anonymous said...

i've been doing this for so long.writing random lyrics of songs to let him know how i feel for him. but if he understands..i'll never know.

Anonymous said...

yea.. how very true. but sometimes, u just dun hear it. =(

... and i just dunno what else to do to keep you.

Anonymous said...

Those were the songs we picked. I thought you realized what they meant. I knew. Where are you? I need you. I can't listen to them without crying. Or wanting to cry.

Anonymous said...

I wish he bothered to listen to the lyrics :)
thank you for this blog.

Anonymous said...

"Every time you look at the stars, you’re gonna see her face."

tianamonique--* said...


lepetitv v said...

yes! beautiful and what i do...

Anonymous said...

There's a bit of you in every song I enjoy. You're part of everything I love. I don't even know how to string the words together. No song can do it.

Selah said...

I voted for you... hope you get it :)

eatmychickenpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
eatmychickenpie said...

Yeah, I really hope you win as well. Writing for us has help us in many ways no other could have done.

Thank you for everything.

Anonymous said...

you have no idea how many songs i'd like You to hear. they remind me so much of

Anonymous said...

after all those years, i still hear our songs

nievnis said...

But do you even care about the little things I do..

Anonymous said...

i do that tooo.

AcousticBitch said...

Wow. That pretty much summed it up for me. Yet its so.. frustrating how the object of your absolute adoration never seems to get the point! I swear if i had been drunk during those moments, i would have stuffed his box of Pall Mall lites up his ass in anger. Period.

Anonymous said...

where are you now?
as i'm swimming through the stereo, i'm writing you a symphony of sound.
where are you now?
as i rearrange the songs again, this mix could burn a hole in anyone.
but it was you i was thinking of.

god, don't you know that? there's a piece of you in every single second of every single day. it's you i want. forever and ever.

Anonymous said...

I.m missing u .. crying for you since last 10 months. Everyday I.m weeping in my pillow n every day I cry. Don't know what went wrong can't forgive myself for what I have done. Just don't go I know u r still there . Pls come back I.ll do anything to hold you back.. pls don't leave its the last chance for us to be together .. forever never.. pls don't leave . I.m sorry