And then how it feels to lose it.
And you showed me who I wanted.
And then who I wasn't.
And you ticked every box.
And then drew a line.
And you weren't mine to begin with.
And then not to end with.
And you looked like everything I wanted.
And then became something I hated.
And you get thought of every day.
And then not in a good way.
And you let me leave.
And then wish I'd stayed.
And you almost killed me.
But I didn't die.
Thank you for writing this for me.
From all the way in Singapore, thank you.
This just took my breath away
Amazing words
This makes me grateful for every love and every heartache I’ve ever experienced.
You have no idea how much I needed this. I've been so lost in emotions lately and this helped me put some of them into actual words. Through you, of course. It's just tough lately. Trying to win someone back who once loved you. Yet, seems to only see you as nothing anymore. I was meant to find this, and read this. Thank you.
Thank you!
Just like what i experienced.. He's not mine to begin with and now it ended in a bad way.
I love this writing..It expressed my feeling as well :)
thank you for a post amazingly, perfectly written!
My choice would be death above the senseless destruction that ripped my soul apart.
Thank you for finding me.
Jon's new camera?
I love it <3
and your words are as breathtaking as always.
I needed this so bad. It describes a relationship in my life that isn't the best thing for me, but this gave clarity and strength to move on.
You described my situation perfectly. Thank you.
Thank you. Your words; perfect aim, perfect timing.
wow this is beautiful. exactly describes every single emotion and feeling that is in my mind. thank you so much, i love you and yours words so very much. much love
Wonderful. :)
ive one word to say, "Shit."
cos this just took my breath away. youve successfully put in print what we are so afraid of showing, letting known.
That was ideal. A rush of memories to break my heart, a breath taken away.
Thank you for making the pain in this World beautiful in it's way.
definitely love it. great piece of work. :D
awesome(: describe my feeling awesomely perfectly.
You are such a gifted writer. I am amazed by how you are able to capture every emotion I try to drown out. You are truly truly awesome.
you almost killed me...
and at times it felt like you did.
But I know you didn't.
I'll be alive again someday.
someday soon.
I have this thing with puzzle pieces. Just a repeating theme or metaphor of pieces of puzzles. And before it was about giving people those pieces but now i'm having to get them back from someone I gave too many to. And although I may not be able to get those pieces back. It's always nice to find ones that fit just the same.
And today you helped me get another piece back. And for this I thank you. The picture on my puzzle is getting clearer. I think it's of a girl who smiles all the time. And is starting to do so again.
I love this. Simple. Thank you :)
This could be my anthem...
;-* thank you, you are so so beautiful!
i love you more than unicorns and rainbows!
This gave me shivers! And my heart is beating faster...thank you for making me feel :)
*sigh, yes, love hurts
*sad smirk* The Patron Saint thanks you.
Beautiful words. Breathtaking picture. Thank you, jon and iain. Keep them coming. (:
aside: this website reminds me of how generally lonely people are
I almost cried reading this. It strikes so close to home, but it's not over yet for me...maybe we'll end up together in the end. I can only hope
Thank you for writing this and being able to do what I cannot: putting my emotions into words. Thank you so much!!
This is my favorite post you've made so far.
It hits me right through my heart.
What did you mean, when you said it's destructive? And you sank yourself right into me.
Exactly. fuck.
And he did kill me.
He stabbed my heart, killed my soul.
Life means nothing to me anymore...
Holy shit.
So beautiful.
"It's alright. No one's got it all."
and you get over it so fast...
and you don't care anymore...
and i love you still..
...like I did not realize it dear?..
well, I did
I mean it
Literally, by all mean
...and what's next???
will i still be guessing it???...
or are you gonna come and say it?..
This is incredibly beautiful.
I sometimes feel like this blog is a soundtrack to my life.
This is one of my favourite posts (of yours) ever. So - thankyou.
...you knew it already, why dear..
A truth is a lie, when hurting is its collateral
why wait, for I wouldn't stay
why take it, for I couldn't say
this page only rectify your anxiety, and magnify your fear of infidelity..
...you knew it already, why dear..
A truth is a lie, when hurting is its collateral
why wait, for I wouldn't stay
why take it, for I couldn't say
this page only rectify your anxiety, and magnify your fear of infidelity..
you just really tore me apart!
I won't die, i won't
oh yes you will...
cause you're good in facing what's
real about you...
c'mon...stop running away..
oh yes you will...
cause you're not good in facing what's
real about you...
c'mon...stop running away..
OMG... The words swept me away. This is just how I really feel right now. I can relate to every line and every word. And how I also wish that my special someone would read this... then maybe I will also cross his mind.
Thank you for writing the words I couldn't find.
I hope that one day he'll arrive at this point. Because about a year ago, I was that "you". Except that I was the one who left. I'm sorry, not about the choice I made, but about the pain it caused.
If you come across this because you still read where I've linked it, you will know this is me, right?
~Rilke's Fiddle
beyond priceless...you find the words I couldn't fathom to say...thx.
sad part is.. whoever it was meant for will never see it.
THANK YOU. This was just.... perfect.
I'm stronger for it, now.
Thank you so much for writing this :)
p. flowerpot, nicely written
wow, stunning
You killed me, but I'll live again.
Thank you for writing this.
New one of my favorites.
This is just the poem I've long written..
you seem to always write what i'm thinking
Holy Shit. That hurts.
i'm here barely hanging on the edge..please come save me.
Jesus Christ. Jesus. Wow.
You make me cry.
Makes me cry... Whaaa!
I am speechless. Thank you for writing this.
This is a load of crap. Fuck you.
You touch hearts...and make them feel. You touch minds...and make them remember. You touch me...and make me live.
This is exactly what I'm feeling.
Losing someone I thought I knew.
Thinking that one day they might
wonder about me, whether I'm dead or alive.
But I guess that day isn't coming.
Thank you for writing this.
I love your blog. Everything written here. Every word. Every line. Kind of made me wish all of these were written for me and only me. :)
I thought love isn't suppose to be like that... I thought love was suppose to make you jump up and down all the time with a goofy smile glued to your face all day long.
If this is "love" then this is the only kind of love I know. Something abusive, heinous, lost into the depths of emotions. I want to break free but I know it's just a lie. I feel like the only way this could ever end is if one of us dies.
I need help.
Thank you for finding me. I needed you.
This one got me here :)
Instead it was you who died that day. You died of guilt for breaking my heart and smashing my soul. When will you come back?
Last night, I accidentaly opened the ebook version I have on my cellphone and this is the entry that showed up. I almost cried because these words were exactly the ones I needed to read. Thank you for writing them. Your blog is amazing.
Sound familiar?
I never understood how you could be so mean. Now I do. I am not dead. But watch me make a mission out of becoming dead to you for good, on purpose.
I understand why you wrote me now. I held no regard for your feelings by my chosen means of communication. My thoughts were constantly misinterpreted and some things I never wrote or thought were anonymously credited to me or you anyhow. You're great. You're kind. You don't deserve this. So I can understand your confusion, your reaction and ultimately that you wouldn't want to be my friend or want anything to do with me. I don't deserve you. I didn't treat you kindly.
I'd like to apologize to you for my immaturity. The good news is today, I'm growing up. Literally. Since we've parted ways, it is only natural for the turmoil of anonymity to end as well. Consider this is my anonymous goodbye.
I love you, I'm sorry, take care.
Beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing!
Hi, I'd like to take these words and put some music to it. Would that be okay? You can email me back at kash_gk@yahoo.com
I hope you know that your words describe perfectly what is going on my life currently. Years later, and you can still touch someone's soul.
"And you weren't mine to begin with, and then not to end with".
Perfect description of my situation!!!!
From all the way in Cyprus, thank you for writing this for me too. Peace.
So passionate, raw, I feel like the speaker is speaking directly to me
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