Something has moved and bumped the cradle of everything. The world is out of sync. Birds fly backwards and the fish swim through the air. Hours pass like seconds and seconds pass like hours. The light fades before the sun leaves. The stars shine before the night falls. I am here early. You are here late.
Do we all want things to go back? My answer shifts back and forth from second to second.
Perhaps a cosmic turn of chaotic events is needed for our life to make more sense.
i said...
i tried...you tried too...
while you ran on the hallways screaming
the love out of you...i was left crying..
you had better days..i was hoping i could have one, one day with you..
you smiled..i was there..
you cried..i was there..
you were shattered and everyone left..
i stayed..for cryin'out loud..i stayed..but you just stared and gave a look like i wasn't there..
i said i love you...you could have just gave me a hug..but you left instead...
i'm here..you're there..but i guess i know better than this..
I sort of wish for things to go back a couple of months. I would love to try again to tell her how I feel. Yet, in retrospect everything is always clearer and easier than it probably is.
that's so beautiful
@anonymous - Say it. Tell her. You can't go backward. It's impossible. But you can still go forward knowing that you did all you could and left nothing behind. Maybe something you have to say is something she needs to hear.
but if it's going backwards, who's early and who's late?
@anonymous - From a girl who would love to be hearing that, tell her. She may have some things to tell you too.
A cat get 9 lives.
Use them wisely.
Play nice, now throw the dice.
You are back to START!
I think I've read this one before....
Felt a total connection with someone 15 years younger than me. Well she is 21, so there is almost no chance of any more than that. So I feel that line: "I was here early. You were here late."
So terribly sad that we didn't arrive here closer together. But blessed to know her anyway.
This is what I was afraid of...
Our timing is so horrible!
If we met five years earlier or maybe ten to twenty years from now we could have been something. Now it looks like we're turning into nothing.
It's such a shame...
I love you now, you may love me later; much, much later...
It is true. You were born earlier than you should have been, and I was born later than I should have been, originally. And thus we missed each other way more than we did and would have originally. :)
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