Monday, August 3, 2009

The Way You Lie Here

Don't you dare tell me nothing matters. Everything matters. Every fucking drop of rain, every ray of sunlight, every wisp of cloud matters and they matter because I can see them and if I can see them then they can see me and I know that there's an entire world that cares out there, hiding behind a world that doesn't, afraid to show who it really is and with or without you, I will drag that world out of the dirt and the blood and the muck until we live in it. Until we all live in it.


D Amir said...


Anonymous said...

love you first august post.

Alix Dahl said...

You do feel, don't you?

You do feel.

I am sorry you have to feel so much. It can be quite unpleasant.

Vern said...

This is great.

Sab said...

You're amazing with words.

I'm just sorry it hurts you so much.

I don't think I've said this, but I adore your blog. It stuns me with every post.

I thought you might like this:

- Sanchezz

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I forget. Sometimes I just move along through things without realizing that world underneath. But sometimes I'm reminded of that world that cares, reminded by a few words, a smile, some burst of feeling.

Thank you.

Fuji said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fuji said...

If only.

Anonymous said...

I'd like living there with you.

Fym said...

i love these powerful and warm words! live on, even if life turns dreary.

Anonymous said...

I wish everyone thought like this, I guess we have to remember there are people that do. It makes me wanna live when sometimes it all just seems like such bullshit.

Keep helping me see things different everyday, I'm forever grateful.

Anonymous said...

sometimes, i wallow in the mud and the muck so much for so long that it's hard to remember what it's like to be clean and new and innocent until i'm able to muster the energy to drag myself back up to my own two feet. in that way, the bad reveals the good.

thank you, iain and jon, every day.

Sydney said...

You are a wonderful being

Anonymous said...

This will be the moment of life's victory.

Charlotteee said...

thats so beautiful :')

Anonymous said...

i just adore everything about you.
this is beautiful.

Sara said...

It amazes me how everyone can relate to your words..

Keltie C. said...

you know what matters? huge mugs of tea.

Anonymous said...

I like coming on this blogspot because I see all these comments and it reminds me that there is good out there, hidden. People that feel.

Sarenna Valporoj said...

Sounds like something he'd say if he ever loved truly loved me.

Janna said...

I come here nearly everyday looking for new posts. Your words are what get me through the day. It's nice to know that somewhere out there someone feels the same. And that they manage what I can't always seem to do, and that's putting how I feel into words.
Thank you for being you.
You are truly an inspiration.

features/rosie said...

i miss your post

Marija G. said...

Beautifully said. A real eye-opener. Thank you =)

Anonymous said...

you definately have a way with words that seem to touch everyone who reads them

you say everything i cant

Teresa Schultz said...

Your words are beautiful, all of them, but I'm even more blown away by the photographs - absolutely stunning fine art examples and extremely inspiring.

Unknown said...

gosh. i believe this is my favorite so far.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for stopping me being alone.

jessica said...

i just want you to know your blog is amazing. i ran across this quote one day and for some reason i did not write it down. somehow- a miracle maybe- i ran across your website in 2011. congratulations on your book!

Anonymous said...

You go! I'll help you if you want.