The sky was made so clear that sometimes, at night, you can see the far blue edge of forever behind distant suns. Yet, nothing's that clear here, and I'm sitting right next to you.
I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
Loooove the photo
Nicely spotted, thanks <3
You are amazing! :)
I hope at least something is clear. Perhaps I'm simply looking in the wrong place.
Welcome. :) I love your blog and your tweets.
<3 X 1000000.
This one is officially one of my favorites. Brilliant! :)
i just wish i knew how to make it clearer...
I wish you would give me some sign as to how to make things clearer. I need them to be. I need you. Yet, no matter how hard I try things just stay as cloudy as ever.
It surges through our consciousness like a meteor and scares us to death.
Yet we sense that whatever we experience is something of extraordinary importance.
It is like a lullaby sung long ago. The words are faint, and the melody reverberates in our being.
Clarity is not unfamiliar to us... we have just forgotten what it is like*
As with everything in life, creativity is art, and art is money, and money is life, and everything falls between!
no, nothing is clear here either
I wish I was blind sometimes so I would not know.
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