I won't compose prose every morning you open your eyes next to me (I won't compare you to a summer's day).
I won't kiss the tears from your cheeks whenever you cry.
I won't remember every appointment.
I won't keep the sheen on my armour.
I won't know what to say sometimes.
I won't get your order right.
I'll be late.
I'll fuck-up.
But I'll write something for you when you least expect it (in summer or winter).
But I'll hold you as tight as I can whenever I can.
But I'll burst through the door as soon as I remember.
But I'll polish it until it shines again.
But I'll say something anyway.
But I'll go back and make it right.
But I'll get there.
But I'll try.
this is my favourite one in a long time :)
I love this!
Oh, I remember the glitter phoenix.
This is so so so brilliant
i'll say something anyway...."
that is beautiful, so often we expect perfect and have a list of requirements but all that is needed is the willingness to try and to know that even when not perfect the person is trying
What if each of us believed that we are "as powerful and strong" as we allow ourselves to be?
What if we quit trying to be accepted by everyone and gave up trying not to alienate anyone and just let ourselves be as strong and powerful as we are?
Nothing extraordinary, mind you, just as wonderfully powerful as we naturally are.
And, what if we let ourself take that first step toward what we really want? Nothing big... no fanfares... just do it!
If you want to try, you have to bring someone to it... you. And, that's OK.
Remember today really -is- the first day of the rest of my life*
sometimes its a little too late...
love it... really
this is beautifully written. =)
this entry saved my relationship.
for now...there's nothing i can do..
i cant just rely on clues...
not even with the way you look at me..
i'll just let you be..
for now...
i have loved you for as much as i could*..
this means so much to me
thank you
This is beautiful. :) Another favorite.
this is amazing...great job :)
i love you.
That was wonderful <3
I'm coming up with excuses for why I should give up, but no.I'll try like I always do,cause if I don't i'll never forgive myself.
love the buts. (:
this is important.
i like how it is divided into two parts, intentional or not. that's how i understood it anyways. having to go up and down to complete each short situations. it feels different from the other writings.
crying commences...
please do. you can't even imagine how much this means to me!
i miss you
this makes me cry
This is beautiful. Thank you.
loves it.
Thank you for more than trying*
Thank you for all you do
Thank you for every single beautiful word
Thank you for your perfect timing
Thank you for your patience
Thank you for the smiles
Thank you for being -you-
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
To be "Imperfect" is "Perfect" especially with "Love." Thank you<3
Agrees with Dan, I like this a lot. Really like the symmetry too, btw
This is the words I have been trying to say ...
I love it, one of my favourite IWTFY's in a while.
Thankyou so much .. for writing what I couldn't.
this is one of my favorites :)
just because you didn't doesn't mean you can't. just because you haven't doesn't mean you won't.
This one was ideal, in every facet. Kudos, both of you.
This appeals to me much more than the usual romancy-schmancy stuff. It's much more true. Hooray.
*clapping from across the pond*
love the "burst through the door" line...painting such an amazing scene.
luv luv <3
this is beautiful.
I love you.
Thank you for being honest and trying to explain things to me. I needed it.
One of my favorites too. Amazing writing indeed. :)
You care and I care and 2000 miles won't stop us.
You are my best friend.
We can try.
Love you.
Do people really still promise these things? It's all I want, the imperfect offering of a beautiful soul willing to try for me. It's exactly what I'm offering.
that is the most you can ever ask from someone... maybe all we need...
this is possibly my favourite one ever.
there is no such thing as perfect love and this shows that the realities of a relationship can be just as beautiful as the idealisms.
Trust -me-, I haven't stopped trying!
i trust you..
don't ever give up...
How can I trust you if I don't trust anyone else?
Yes. Yes. Thank you. You say the things I can't. You say the things we want to hear, and even if we aren't hearing them, we know someone is. Thank you.
Ooooo... this one REALLY stands out. Well said. Well written. Well intended. Love it.
Personally, I think it is all too late. It seems like he always has his excuses and he'll never learn.
i wish my husband would say this to me.sigh.
you're sooooooooo special!!!!
i just don't get it. i mean, i thought i got it, but than i thought about it and i simply don't get it!
you're so much better than me, a whole different level of special...
it's just so hard to grasp.
i wish i'd be so special....
i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i wish i was the one you write these for
Heaven knows I want, nay, need you with me now. So where are you?
Why do I have to come here chasing after your shadow every time?
Why don't I deserve you in person? A name. Not an anonymous "I love you. I'm not coming back?"
Say that to me with your face next to mine, with my arms on your shoulders and your hands in my hair cascading over your neck.
Say that to me as you kiss my forehead and hold me in your arms as my tears wet your shirt.
Say that to me and also talk about my crap music and my soppy letters that you read with a JD in your hands.
Do this for me and then we both can truly move on.
Till then it's just a "'til next time."
I love this one, just simply amazing.
No one can be perfect.
We are just a bunch of people who forget things and do things wrongly sometimes, way out of expectations, way away from perfections.
This just reminds me of all that, in the simplest yet most beautiful way ever.
Thanks Iain, you inspire me to write too.
This is so beautiful period. I fell in love with the words.
this made me cry..
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