Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Circle, Triangle, Square

If you've got the time, we can play a game. It’s easy. We just see if I’m the same shape as the space you have inside you. If everything fits, we both win. If it doesn’t, don’t force it. That's how you get splinters in your heart.


Dark Tar said...

Exactly... it's either win-win or lose-lose.

Dark Tar

Ivan Ayliffe said...

My shape is complicated. And it likes to change almost constantly. Just like somebody else's, hopefully.

ginn said...

i wish everyone could win..

Vic said...

I've given up on my shape.

siang said...

I wonder if shape shifters ever win.

kate said...

beautiful and so true. thankyou for writing this (:

samantha said...

what a way to describe. its wonderful how simple you make it sound.

Suzy said...

Id found the shape that fitted in mine... but ive lost it :'( and i havent foun a way to get it back yet...

Anonymous said...

trying the shapes even for a second
will give you splinters when it comes back out.

Vern said...

This is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

This one seems oddly sexual, am I the only one to notice?

misplacedfriend said...

one of my favorites so far. love the visual it paints. =]
anonymous-i was on the sexual bandwagon at first, as well. but, that's because my mind has been in the gutter, thanks to convos about sweat pants. right, iain?

luv luv.
<3 E

vonyd said...

Even with splinters you can love the shape, just tread lightly.

Anonymous said...

tag, you are it*

Anonymous said...

I love this....some ppl are just not meant to be in ur life no matter how hard u try......

ipretendimafilmcritic said...

Makes me hopeful....

Cuz lately Im really losing hope.

Me said...

You find whatever you brought with you <3

chiki said...

love this! so true.. but too bad, the one that i think who win with me is soo far away :(

Anonymous said...

I need the courage to point this post to my crush.

Chop Logik said...

I love it when we change in tandem. Our shapes always morph, sometimes slowly, with luxury, sometimes with explosive passion. More often than not, though, it's with perfect synchronization.

We knew it the moment we had that dance-off.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am also too afraid to take that leap and now that gap looks even bigger. The silence between us is sometimes just so daunting when all I really want to do is shout, "I LIKE YOU!"

Kylie said...

omg :,(

malome tom said...

yes, sometimes its okay if there's a mismatch. some of the best things in life those awkward things that refuse to fit themselves into anything

Pinkhairgirl said...

anon - what is wrong with it being sexual? I think that a sexual 'fit' is very important. But on a more general level some people just fit into your life better than others

Penny Lane said...

splinters in your heart, how do you come up with that? your imagination is brilliant! Je suis tres jealous

Amanda Marie said...

Definitely the motto for my life right now. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

mine isn't much of a shape anymore. it's too splintered to have one.

Pete Pippers said...

you and everyone who commented on this is full of shit.

Sarah said...

:) reminds me of this:

Anonymous said...

i hope there's a spot somewhere out there for my shape to fit into.... someday...

Anonymous said...

I've gotten too many splinters. Will you try to fit into the shape of my heart without forcing yourself into it?

Diana said...

I hope our shapes are still forming..