Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Corner Of Me & You

I don't know if you felt that or not.

But it felt like two people kissing after hours of thinking about it.

It felt like two people talking after nights of silence.

It felt like two people touching after weeks of being numb.

It felt like two people facing each other after months of looking away.

It felt like two people in love after years of being alone.

And it felt like two people meeting each other, after an entire lifetime of not meeting each other.


Kleigh said...

I felt it and he did; but he decided to look away. Thank you for writing this. I just hope that someday I will feel the same, to someone who longs to feel the same as I do.

Sharanya said...

I love this because something like it just happened - and because that picture is brilliant!

misplacedfriend said...

Wonderful photo :-)

And Iain-
your descriptions brought a smile to my lips. Especially the "facing each other" bit.

Luv luv,
E <3

this kid said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ally said...

I felt it.
and I think he did too.

Ivan Ayliffe said...

Corners: Good places to change direction.

ambiguousminds said...

you warm my heart completely...
thank you for this.

Anonymous said...

I felt it.

E. said...

this photo is absolutely brilliant :) (and the post as always)
no I haven't felt it yet but it seems like a great feeling to salvation.

Rosalina said...


Anonymous said...

You wrote this for me indeed...

Anonymous said...

Kleigh - love what you wrote. Unfortunately I'm in the situation.

Me said...

I did indeed. <3

Anonymous said...

love it.

t said...

I felt it. So real.

Did you?

Anonymous said...

Is this in Hong Kong? :)

Anonymous said...

it felt like you cared when the whole time i was the only one.
it felt like me + you were finally one.

Anonymous said...

We have so little time left before everything changes. I just want to make the most of it; I know this is what it would be like, here with you. Please.

Anonymous said...

I felt it, and since then I've always wondered whether you saw the light in my eyes that night we met.

I've loved you from the very start.

Anonymous said...

Much like Kleigh, we both felt the same. For two years, then one day he decided he didn't see it anymore. Hopefully someday someone will see and feel the same as I do.

Jon said...

Children of the Corn!

This photograph is kind of special - that's me and the love of my life. It's uncropped, just developed, scanned, and posted. Life is always full of reflections. Enjoy them!

Anonymous said...

It felt like two people swimming alone in a desert oasis.

ivy said...

The photo is breathtaking. I wonder where this is in Japan. :)

Anonymous said...

someone asked if this is in hong kong. i wonder if they live here because if they do, it really warms my heart to know that someone else from hong kong reads this blog.

Abaddon said...

bravo again

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful.

† [shÍñ]z0ü` said...

if only this dream happened in my reality.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo, beautiful words.

I hope someday soon, what you wrote here will ring true for me, because I know it does for other people who are luckier than I am.

thek2 said...


Chop Logik said...

One of my flavourite photos. And Iain, you need not tailor your subject matter to my Facebook's relationship status, but I thank you.

Ciara said...

This was nice.

Anonymous said...

we both felt it last night <3

spokeninsigns said...

I can totally relate to this. XD And hey, mind if I ask if this is edited? If it's not, then what kind of lens do you use? :O

Sarenna Valporoj said...

That was us last night.

Even if we both don't exactly feel the same anymore nor are we getting back to what it was, our actions say otherwise, or maybe we're grasping at whatever we can get. But... I think it's this need that makes it special.

Anonymous said...

we felt it last night!!! i read this before i went out with him last night and as he grabbed me and kissed me the words you wrote swam through my head and i was the happiest i've been in a while.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i hope you're happy now

Jon said...

spokeninsigns: no edits, not even cropped :) this is taken with a hasselblad xpan ii and the 45mm lens. kind of crazy camera, takes panoramic shots that are two frames of 35mm film wide. the film is fujifilm, neopan presto 400.

Anonymous said...

well go fall in love...

Anonymous said...

i love you. come back soon.

Anonymous said...

love it

ipretendimafilmcritic said...

This makes me sad and yet happy all at thesame time.

Aparna said...

This makes my breath catch a little bit. Thank you.

ArmyWife1091 said...

Furthermore, it feels like being in love with you, is only when i can see the beauty..
inside a mean mean world..
I feel like, I could love you even more than the definition of love itself..
I know, I know I need you, and I love that, you need me too.
It felt like I was born again, just by hugging you for the very first time..
And now, my emotions go crazy, because i'm missing you, and..although
I dont want to make you worry, I cant help but cry at night..
It feels like heaven, just knowing you.
I love you,My Husband.
(i don't know who you are really, but i want to tell you that i thank you, your words have helped me through somethings recently.. i hope you don't mind i added on to your words, and made it a blog on my myspace, i kept your words the same, and put quotations around your words.) Thank you, for taking the time to make somebody's day wonderful, even though you do not know them.

Anonymous said...

Meet me on the corner.

Anonymous said...

I thought you might want to see this:

- a random googler

Anonymous said...

I wanted you to feel what I shall never feel.
I have locked my feelings away in a box together with my heart. Sunken treasure chest. Buried deep within the belly of the ocean. Please don't find me.

Anonymous said...

Exquisite. I feel this.