Monday, September 21, 2009

The Train Of Lies

I say that I won't touch you.

But my fingers are liars.

I tell you how I won't hold you.

But my arms are going to hell.

I promise I won't kiss you.

But my lips break it.

I let you know that I won't love you.

But my heart has no conscience.

And no part of me will apologise.


Anonymous said...

Should that be conscience or was that intentional?

Either way.. gorgeous.

Me said...

Monday Morning, well spotted and my apologies.

tuesdayrayne said...

perfectly said...

Anonymous said...

I thought I was perfect but then I felt humility. Corrected, but not my promise to not remove a good comment.

Artsmonkey said...

Oh I love this, wonderful evocative photo to accompany

Ally said...

my heart just broke.

Anoop said...

really nice... :)

haf fun

vonyd said...

My heart just leaped! <3

Alyaa said...

Ehehehhee. I love this one.

Lyssa(: said...

No point in lying.

Anonymous said...

but the only thing I'm sorry about is that the fact that you do not feel the same way. :(

misplacedfriend said...

What an awesome way to start a Monday.
Beautiful, Iain. Simply beautiful.


Anonymous said...

forgive me God for being sins

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i wish she would have lied like this.

~Houston said...

thank you thank you thank you.

vikki saechao said...

very interesting.. =]

Anonymous said...

i am such a liar.

Anonymous said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Beautiful.

-LyS- said...

Love it!


Anonymous said...

i fucking lie. till i die.

Anonymous said...

i died yesterday.

Anonymous said...

This made me feel that there is true love

ipretendimafilmcritic said...

"And no part of me will apologize" :(( so beautiful.

adrienne nakissa said...

I try and not admit this but since reading this I feel as though everything written here relates to everyone who's loves loss was true enough to run from the frailty of desire, masking ego with sympathy ,and stubborness with denial... your written reality is mine as well.
my heart will always belong to someone gone although time went and harshened moral conditions his cruel mocking created a hard breakup but my love has never changed although my mind has but then again i am willing to admit he dumbs me down.

Anonymous said...

I told you I'm done with you because I'm in love with you. I'm sorry.