Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Guide To Grace When Falling Apart

Hello. Where are you? Here. Where? Right here. Can you feel that? Yes. That's me. I see. Yes. You feel like me. I am.


Nouri said...

Oh there you are, Me. Hello.

Anonymous said...

I love everything about this post.

Anonymous said...

you bring smiles to faces. you're cool.

Anonymous said...

why do you build me up?

and later...what?

you're here...

you say say that..

what's next?

purrsikat said...

I dig this one, a lot.

Anonymous said...

it's like..
you're here but not really..
i'm here, but not really..

misplacedfriend said...

Often times the healing touch we seek comes from within.

<3 this, Iain.

Errant said...

that's smart !

Anonymous said...

what's the sense of this message? i want to get it, but fail...

Me said...

The person you're looking for is often yourself.

That was the meaning I had when I wrote it but I'm sure other people have found better ones.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Me. So if I am looking for a person, who is actually me, then I am the only one I need?

Me said...

The rest is up to you <3

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am.

Anonymous said...

hello? i'm still here. don't act like i'm not.

i'm still here.

E. said...

And I'm being such a weirdo that I sometimes say goodmorning and goodnight to myself,not because I don't have other people to talk to but because the person living inside me could use a nice little conversation.
Thank you Iain.I really do need myself.

Anonymous said...

I can't find you.

SH said...

You're brilliant. I wish i can write and imagine as much as you... =)

Parisprincess said...

Is this written for me?

Anonymous said...

this is love ♥

theloveofyourlife said...

Once upon a time the stunningly beautiful, gorgeous and talented love of Mr. Isea's life noticed him skating at the local ice skating rink. Without a doubt and commonsense, his aura of coolness overshadowed and shattered her normally keen eye for the good fruit when he slid to a halt showering her perfectly done exterior with an icy shower. From that day forth, this solidly formed multi-elemental sculpture always held a special place in the gorgeous woman's life, rightfully so, right? He had everything. Every quality in a man she ever dreamed of such as tending to her every need, wanting to know her inside and out, observing her emotion and showing affection like an affluent international love machine. Oh and he actually called her too. A thermometer near his overcoming maverick aura would surely drop below the temperature of her fully stocked Otter Pop freezer. Age and Otter Pops held no correlation to the maverick, however, he had his fair share of trials with a tongue stuck to a few icy poles. It was rumored he moved to Alaska, bunked with Eskimos after the machine beating emotion through routes engrained in appendages first experienced the intensity of twisted glass shards violently twisting a gaping hole through his still wounded heart. His eyes are kind and emotion bearing and although he tries his very best to never show his absolute, undying love for the love of his life he kept relentlessly trying until one day... {to be continued} :::suspense:::