Monday, June 8, 2009

The Day I Got Older

So you've given me all these things and I don't want you to think that I don't appreciate them because I do but all I really want from you today, is a smile.


M said...

Happy Birthday Iain. Your blog never fails to make me smile, even through the tears your words pull from me sometimes. Many happy returns of the day.

HeyHuiyunn said...

Happy Birthday!! :D
May all your wishes come true

Tania said...

Happy Birthday!!!:)
Thank you for reminding me this today:)))
You are wonderful))

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, be happy.

A. said...

I wrote to you once. Remember? And remember how you wrote back, and you didn't mind at all that I wrote to you. Thank you for that. If you ever need something, even a smile - you could drop by :)

Happy, happy, happy birthday Iian. I hope the coming year is full of little and big adventures for you.

Unknown said...

happy birthday..
ur blog makes this world a brighter place :)

E. said...

happy birthday Iain <3
may all your dreams come true!
for now,you help us in your own special way,so thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!

Jeje said...

Happy Birthday <3
I'll be smiling for you today..

Gemini Prefect said...

happy birthday and many returns of the day, you darling darling man.

Miss B said...

I wouldn't do this for anyone else, you know...


Anonymous said...

Today is also my birthday. : ) Thank you

tet said...

i, too will smile for you today.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday.
I love you ;)

N. said...

I love you, and you're the reason why yesterday was great for me.

I saw you smile, and that made me smile, too. :)

I hope you enjoyed your birthday, love.

Freckles said...

Happy birthday!


Me said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Iain.

May all your dreams come true.

Anonymous said...

I hope it was one of the best.

Azalia Suhaimi said...

happpy birthday! i truly truly admire your writings :)

Anonymous said...

you are Am aaaa zing.

So have an am aaaa zing year.