Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Fractals Repeat

You are more than welcome to copy me and the things I do. I'll be busy doing new things while you do that.


Azalia Suhaimi said...

OMG! Iain, you scare me with your accuracy in saying things which are relevant to me, almost daily.

I was just tellin a friend on how slightly annoyed I was initially with a copycat, tsk..but yeah.

Oh, Iain :)

Anonymous said...

I am only free to learn from your greatness.

Anonymous said...

You have no idea of how much you inspire me.
Thank you for giving me something to look forward to every single day.

Anonymous said...

yes, i copy all ur sayings, thank u.

Singapore Short Stories said...

its a truism

Anonymous said...

it has always been that way :)
true,you gotta come up with new things,this is originality and I absolutely love it!

icenine said...


Anonymous said...

you are indeed creepy sometimes. it's like you get to know what's happening in our lives. it may be chance. it may be just coincidence. but it's quite freaky when what i read here is exactly what i'm going through. amazing.

Maro said...

I´m Original simple as that.

thanks for this great site, you have no idea how much it has help me in some tough moments

Anonymous said...

I read the blog and the comments everyday and I find it funny that people are always commenting about your accuracy to their lifes. I think if anything that your blog shows us that there are other people out there going through the same things and that maybe, just maybe we aren't as alone as may people believe that they are.

Thank you for bringing us together with your words.

Rudie said...

I only copy you because you inspire me. From your good mornings on twitter, to your blogger posts. I feel like you're talking about me, and I feel a bit guilty. =D

Anonymous said...

I just blogged about rubbing off other people aka copying. Then when I arrived here, I read this. Wow, coincidence much? (:

Anonymous said...

I quote you 2x on my blog but I said it was from your blog. Hope that doesnt offend you and if it does ill take it down :)!

Anonymous said...

a truism to add to yours: this is just a blog.

Anonymous said...

that one is human makes what one says and does not unique. the comments and readership proves this.
despite that, it doesn't make what you say any less true.