Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Time Merchant

Each week, you trade 5 days for 2. That doesn't sound right to me.


Rosalina said...

It doesn't sound right to me at all! Also, why do children get nearly 2 months off during the summmer while their parents work and only get like one week off? No fair, times two!

Tania said...

But if you love your job, you don't trade at all:) That is the right thing for me:)

Anonymous said...

Wow, so true. Totally working for the weekends. Been doing that for years now.

Anonymous said...

do you live your life to work, or work to live your life? i've been doing the former. it's time to make a change.

The One and Lonely said...

That doesn't sounds right to me too, in mathematical sense, that is.

Philosophically, I'm all ears.

icenine said...

I've never thought of it that way...

Shandra E...*the misses said...

...and it's a FAIR exchange!
in this economy, not working those five days usually doesn't equate to lots of enjoyed liesure time...I just graduated from college so for the time being I have a "life" of all 7, but oh what it would be like to 'LIVE'!
those 5 days help define who we are and those 2 days help determine what we'll become...

acidicice said...

I wonder sometimes if I would be satisfied with a 3 day weekend.

Anonymous said...

I love it!

Anonymous said...

I do like the way Shandra put it :)