Monday, June 22, 2009
The Whether Weather

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I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
It's hard sometimes.
I'm on the brink of being forced to do it, and it's a little heartbreaking and exhilarating. Thanks for verbalizing what I've been trying to avoid feeling.
is that u? i'd like to think that it's you.
and the time is now. before it's too late..
i need to go..but i badly wanted to stay.. but what's the point of being here when you don't even see me.
omg.. this is what I've been doing.. Hoping for someone to come and tell me step by step what to do..
If I don't tell someone I will burst. This is my breaking point. This is my forced. Now, all I need is to be fucking brave.
I have been avoiding doing what I need to do for months. I've been in denial. Tried to fight it. But, this is what I needed. And now, I just have to be brave and do it.
this is what im goin thru currently.. on the exact same day. perhaps 'something' is trying to tell me something?
Thank you, I needed this.
People have been telling me what to do and pushing me for a long time now, but even though I know they're right, I stay and don't do it... I think I'm too scared of the possibility of change.
thanks. this helped me realize that all this time, i really know what to do... i just don't want to do it. and time has come for me to do it because really, there's no help to come no matter how long i wait.
so true.
very very true!
thank you. for the words i can't say. for the thoughts i can't think.
i love you.
For a few months now I've had the feeling that you're looking over my shoulder... and this seems to prove it...
hm. thanks for reading my mind :)
I'm waiting, you're right. It's stupid, but I won't deny that I am still waiting.
You are right.. I know the right thing to do is to let her go. Everyday i wish i have the courage to do what i have to do. But everyday, i just tell myself to wait another day. Till someday, one of these days, circumstances will force me to do what I don't want to do.
And on that day, I want u to know. I love u then, I love now, and perhaps, I love you forever. Sorry I have to do it.
ha like quitting smoking!
You're beautiful
Oh, how I love this. You are amazing.
i backed up as far as i could without slipping before i turned around and faced it all. and then i stepped up to the edge. and with nothing else to lose, spread my arms wide and leapt into the abyss. is it falling or floating? will i destruct upon impact or alight softly on both feet?
this is so true.. sometimes we just like to hear other's advice but we already decided what to do...
Yes, because I love him. And that doesn't change even if we're not right for each other.
What's Better?
Innocuous or innoculated, sometimes i chase love so hard i pass it right by, waiting at the unlocked door, sometimes it is better To stand by the river and wait.��
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