And we clutch that picture to our hearts because we expect each other to always be the people in that picture. But people change. People aren't pictures. And you can either take a new picture or throw the old one away.
I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
"But people change. People aren't pictures" - this pierces straight into me.
A picture is a moment in time; and represents a sad disparity between reality and memory. But, if perception makes reality, then who can really say that the people in our precious pictures don't exist and won't always exist.
I adore your writing. It truely makes my day.
dude- who and what are you? You manage to out into words what my soul needs my brain to comprehend.
Thank you for sharing; showing and enlightening us.
Perhaps ideally we should have a never-ending rapid-fire photo sequence going off somewhere deep inside our chests (something akin to the fantastic rapid-fire photo sequences of the Beatles in "A Hard Day's Night")? Maybe we really do have that all the time, and we just aren't paying attention.
I wouldn't ever throw the old pictures away, though -- just because the landscape is shifting and mutable doesn't mean you don't want to remember the way the light caught it on one certain day for one specific moment. Sometimes that's all you're left with, in the end...
you don't throw pictures away, you just put it in a box and hide it under the bed, for the purpose of looking back at them at a time when you've moved on and happen to miss the beautiful people that are in the picture.
People don't just change, they also forget fast. So making the picture available may be just fine.
You keep talking to me. And you keep hitting all the right places. and it makes me weak. And scared..but thank you
How do you manage to hit home with every single post? It's breathtaking.
Sometimes that "new picture" is the hardest thing in the world to do.
I wish you never forget the look on my face when we first met.
So seriously, very few things make me cry but this did.Story of my life.
I wish I hadn't ruined the first one.
The first time we met was not the first time. We met days, weeks, months ago; but on that day when you were on the stage and sang that song with your eyes piercing straight into mine, that was the first day we met. That was the first time I realized my heart was beating.
That was one of the most beautiful pictures in my mind. And I'm sad to think that we both lost it.
You are still the same years ago when I first fall for you. The picture hasn't change the slightest bit.
But you will be leaving soon and i'm so darn scared that someday, you'll change. If that day ever come, taking a new pic or throwing the old one away will be closest thing to impossible.
Your way of phrasing things is amazing :) A lot of it is things I've thought or said before, but not nearly as eloquently. I think it's good to remember past "pictures", but you can't continue to love someone without taking new ones along the way, people change too much
I took some awesome new shots. And now I can enjoy looking at my shoebox of old photos without crying, just with fondness.
This actually made me cry. People do change. People aren't pictures. But, I will never forget these pictures I hold so close to my heart. And even though I am moving on, and so are you, you will always be special to me.
--You always seem to write what I need to read and realize. You have helped me these past couple of weeks more than you will ever know. I thank you so much for that.
i just feel like saying no to all of this moving on stuff. i just don't want you, i can't. i can't give myself the acceptance speech yet. i can't let him go yet. he didn't change. i didn't change. and still we can't be together :(
Always what I need to hear.
I kept reminding myself today, take a new picture, take a new picture... Your words stick with me. Become part of my own conscience. Thank you for helping me through this.
in 3 more weeks we will take our last picture together. Then you'll be gone and I will never know if you will return. Just thinking of it makes me hurt.
This made me cry :(
tears welled up. i don't want this to be just a picture. i really don't. but he doesn't know. he doesn't know that things are happening right now...
well i've been in this picture, this pictures was my first kiss and now i dun even know if my picture was thrown or put under the bed, although i am waiting for it to be torn by someone else .. i dunno why am i not the lead of my life when it comes to that picture.
this really got to me. your right, you always are. pictures. . . are just pieces of paper with colored ink sprayed on top. were the only ones who put any meaning into it. but still that meaning will make us tear a picture apart and than crouch on the floor picking up every single piece.
One of the most meaningful and special people in my life told me that they don't have the "time or energy" to try to spend time with me anymore.
I'm not his girlfriend anymore. I didn't know that would make me useless.
"But people change. People aren't pictures."
So true.
you just conjured a pretty memory i never had, with a person i never loved, but i thought i did.. which is just sad..
sometimes there are moments that feels too good to be true and later on when that moment becomes a memory, you realize, they aren't really that good, because the truth is, they are true..
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