Friday, August 21, 2009
The Return To Green

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I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
Yes. This, too, shall pass.
I needed that.
I'm kind of a whiner...
Definitely needed that.
This too will pass :)
This too will pass :)
Everything passes... only question (that doesn't pass) is: what will you be left with at the end of the day?
Dark Tar
hey, you did wrote 'Money can make you smaller than you really are.'
what does it mean? just curious.
You changed.
Money can make you smaller than you really are because when you get a little of it, you forget what the important things in life are and your priorities become smaller.
I change all the time.
ooh, i like this!
I love this!
well i hate the fact that this life's a fucking roller coaster ride of emotions. one day you two are good, the next you're fighting again. :(
i tell her this all the time. thanks for backing me up
i tell myself this all the time.
man, it's hard to remember.
Just because THAT IS the sad cycle of life doesn't mean we should or even could get used to it. We can only feign a smile in our apparent attempt to deal with it.
I thank you. And love you.
And thank you again.
Always good to stay positive but it's hard to smile when you're alone in the dark.
Things go up. Things go down. Sometimes I smile. Sometimes I don't. I know there's nothing I can do about it, so when I can, I might as well smile.
You might as well frown if that's what you want to do, neither one makes a difference at the end of the day, all that does, is how you lived your life.
You need to claim the events of your life
to make yourself yours. When you truly
possess all you have been and done,
which may take some time,
you are fierce with reality* - Flonda Scott Maxwell
When we stop and truly possess all we have been,
and done, we are on the path to becoming who we are.
Thank you for this today. U r magical ;-)
i love you. and everything you do. i'm walking out of the house today with my head held high.
You are smart.. :)
I just find it hard to swallow, being engulfed by darkness myself. Night just seems too long to endure, that it makes me feel restless even to simply think of getting a glimpse of the next morn which takes all eternity to come.
Practicing awareness is the biggest favor you'll ever do yourself. Does it mean everything's 110% happy? Nah. It means it's within your power to make it better or worse, so choose wisely.
Unnecessary heartache is the worse kind.
<3 Great post. My favorite.
you wrote this for me and i love you even more now.
thank you so much.you have possibly saved my life or made it so much better and i can never be thankful enough.
This is like a slap in the face for the pessimist :D
This is unbelievable. Totally what I needed. I stumbled on this blog from Grace's Birdcage and I can't get enough. Do what you do and do it well.
It's the longest sunrise I've seen in almost 2 years, with astounding company. And I know I'll think otherwise, once again, in the future. This is why I'm determined to enjoy what I have while it's there, and accept what I can't change at the moment.
The simple fact of the roller coaster and my complete honesty of despair + joy when I feel it makes me laugh, makes me enjoy the whole damn ride.
@misplacedfriend - you're right on the money.
I try to tell myself this all the time. I find it hard to tell myself that life is okay, life doesn't suck, and I'm just being melodramatic about everything.
Thank you.
..currently at a gradual phase of
learning this...i must..
i should...see you around*..
Oh, I don't know! But I do wish and I will smile :)
Yesterday the dark corner held me captive. I felt it's cold walls, and the point where they met just behind my back. Trapped, I felt no matter which way I turned someone, would be disappointed. NO matter what I thought, I would remain locked in depression and anxiety.
Fear held my eyes closed, keeping me from seeing the obvious.
All I had to do to escape was walk away.
yesterday I found myself backed into a corner
I could not move for fear of letting someone down. The depression and anxiety blinded me. Until I realized all I had to do was open my eyes, and walk away.
as someone with huge emotions, I think that it is okay feel the dark times as intensely as the good times. Yes it hurts like hell and yes it will pass but there is something to be said for being okay with being sad in the dark times.
Let me add something:
Every time you dream, you wake up.
Dark Tar
where does all of this come from? you seem to have the best words to describe any sort of emotion.
Unfortunately nothing does last forever. Still, the memories will last forever and remind me how I never took a chance.
Unfortunately nothing does last forever. Still, I think the memories will last forever and remind me how I never took a chance.
I've been waiting for you to steal the words from my lips. The words that you seem to be able to say so much easier than I ever could. Please, give me that again. I need it from you. Captivate me.
This is exactly what I needed at this time. Thanks for writing this for me. You just saved a life.
@Chop Logik
thx. :-)
keep your inner child close and enjoy the simple pleasures in life..
I love this one
thank u for this sweet reminder :)
I love this. Thankyou.
Thank you.
You've posted this in August two years ago but I thank you for that. I needed this. My boyfriend broke up with me today and it has been raining every since. Literally.
But I'm planning to keep smiling. He'll just be a sweet, sweet summer memory.
Believe me, this is the most fucking difficult thing to do right now.
This too shall pass right?
Tomorrow always comes. I promise. <3
Why? You're my friend. And you're pushing me away?
I don't want to fight with anymore. I want to be your friend. I love you. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to cry anymore over you. Yes, I cried! Let's please stop this, now!
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