You know that feeling you get when everything goes perfectly, constantly and nothing's ever wrong with anyone or anything? Me neither.
I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
is there any reason there aren't any comments here anymore?
cause it almost takes away the beauty that makes up this small space of the internet
I'm waiting for that day to arrive :( Nothing is right anymore.
The sun is up and I'm still here, finishing what I started. Will your arms be ready?
Fuck the universe! Hail Slayer!
And yes, you are still old and fat!
you are not old and fat :)
You are right. Really old and really fat!
I have been reading your words for some time now and I can't even express into words what I feel when I read yours. They move me and they make me reflect. So, I'll simply say to you - with an honest smile on my face - hello, I hope you're well, I hope you read this and I deeply thank you.
Please don't stop. You're making 'it' work.
It's perfect when it's imperfect.
i do know that feeling.
it comes and goes.
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