You should tell them the truth. Tell them that if they hold on too tightly, love might cut them. Tell them to hold on tightly anyway. Tell them everything is worth it and that the richness of life is only ever enhanced by its inevitable, brief flashes of sadness and loss.
You're sensational.
What you're doing right here is what I'd love to do for the rest of my days, and you should know that I hang on every word you write.
rich and wonderful in its arch of sadness. this is one of my most favorite story.
p.s. I remember you having 'rules' to linking to your posts and your journal... could you tell me what they are so that I don't run afoul them? I'd like to have everyone I ever knew read this, after all, it is written for them.
But I don't want to lose you. Not this way.
thank you for putting my thoughts out into words. i used to be better at following them. here's to trying again <3
It's funny. Everything you write, relates to my life in one way or another. You speak the words that i cannot say. Thank you.
how in the world
did nobody comment on this yet?
i'm in complete shock
well i'll be the first then
i love this quote so, so, so much
i think you are completely right
we can't truly experience happiness in life without experiencing the sorrow first, and if we hold on tightly love might cut us, but we should hold on anyways because it is definitely worth it.
Is this from somewhere in particular or did you write it yourself? It sounds so familiar...
You're more than welcome to post anything you find here, words or pictures, wherever you want, just as long as you link back/credit the source.
It's only when people use my writing as their own and pretend to be me that I don't like.
I'll hold on tightly if You hold on tightly. This is going to be a wild ride!
because no other way is known
because I could bleed to death over you, you know
because I could bleed to death if I don't
The truth is
because Your heart
is my home.
I held too tightly, disfiguring my heart. Even bleeding, I held on. I held on and I held on and I held on and yet still I bleed. Without end. In the end, being without you is like loving a ghost I can see but cannot hold.
Holding, waiting, believeing...
Sometimes the words don't mean enough. The dead can still whisper, but it takes life to go out and live it day after day. Right here by your side. xo
The pains of sadness and loss only serve to remind us that we are alive. Only when we're dead will we no longer feel them. Cherish them and the things that cause them.
The truth hurts, and I couldn't agree more.
Sadly, not everyone are able to hold as tightly, and in the end, they decided to take the easy way out - by leaving.
I told you the truth, but never heard anything back. I have nothing to hold on to but my truth, from my side. I have been holding to a dream, a beautiful dream since I was a little girl. A dream that I have been holding on to so tight...It is YOU, my love. come talk me pls
thank you for this!
You were there one minute, and then gone.
A flash of green eyes, crinkling at the corners,
The brief sense of your breath upon my brow,
A glide of a rough hand against mine,
Then the cold metal of closing doors.
I might have died of loneliness that day,
If it weren't for your touch.
but, i can't speak the truth to people who won't hear it...
I've taken to reblogging your posts on my tumblr (just thought I'd let you know), but I post them as links, so anyone who clicks on them is directed to this site :) I'm letting as many people as I can find your beautiful photos and inspiring writing :)
This blog is so indescribable i knew someone that carried his art around his shoulder as he held me close to his heart with his arm, and love for what we had (someone/something that will never be replaced) I loved him and no matter how cruel the breakup we both danced leaving only two victims of bad timing. The art of pushing away was his and my specialty i am so moved by the words on this blog truly I can say someone understands there are those who will always be with you no matter how far away i move for you gave away your heart the moment your eye's met no matter you were both legally blind.
you speak the words so many of us can not say, you put my most complicated feelings into something i can understand. thank you
The only evidence of love is blood.
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