Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Brace Position

I'll tell you the truth so close to your lips it'll taste like a lie. There's a tongue in my mouth. It matters. This fucking matters.

The only thing that works is the truth and you are the hardest truth to tell.

So kiss like you give a damn.


rah, said...

Oh, thank you.

debtink said...

um...this post leaves me a bit breathless

Abir Abdul Rahim said...

Your words often leave me thoughtful. You, I've invited you to read my blog. Hope you'll accept the invitation. Thank YOU.

Anonymous said...

This is exactly it.
Please keep kissing like you give a damn.

Anonymous said...

i cant imagine this not being written for myself..

Laurel said...

Months later and these words are still the ones that stick out to me.

Everything you write is like that, in a way; every word is something I once knew in a past life but couldn't quite bring into being. It is nice to be reminded of the truths we hold within ourselves sometimes.

Anonymous said...

this is one of the best things I've ever laid my eyes upon.

Mary said...

Still my favorite. Perfection personfied in a few short sentences.