Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Trees Grow For A Reason

You need to stop being so concerned with collecting beautiful things and start being more concerned with making things beautiful.


Hope said...

I think you are absolutely right.

Chop Logik said...

Epic shot, Jon.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog today, and I LOVE it! Just thought I'd share...

A said...

very true .. and inspiring ..

Ms.K. Bryce said...

beautifully expressed. wish i came up with this.

Anonymous said...

The trees grow for a reason.
Did you always know you wanted to become a writer?

Me said...

No, originally I wanted to be normal.

Just kidding, who'd want to be normal :)

I studied design and multimedia technologies when I finished school but at some point, I realised that my visual diary had nothing in it but words, which was a big clue. Then I dropped that and focused on writing exclusively, which is what pays the bills these days. Although I've never stopped loving the visual side of things, which is why I tend to work with a lot of designers/illustrators/photographers during my day job.

Z said...

This is spot-on! My mum is still mad at me for not passing the requirement to go overseas, get the grades and all..while I just wanna move on with my life an d fix it!

Anonymous said...

Design! That's all sweet. It's something maybe I would want to do. I wish I could bring my dreams to life. I guess my brain lies in my writing though. I don't know.

But you do!
It worked out for you, didn't it?

Me said...

Just to clarify, even though writing is something I've always enjoyed, I studied it for a few years first.

The other thing is, I believe before you're a writer, actor, musician, designer, illustrator, art director, artist, stylist or so on, you're a creative person.

And by that I mean, there's a good chance that if you can paint, you can write and if you can write you can paint. You might be better at one or the other or simply enjoy one more but being a creative person is about recognising and translating beauty and truth in the world around you, through you. And that can work in a variety of different mediums.

mai said...

gorgeous silhoutte.

@wordnomad said...

You make things beautiful.

Anonymous said...

i am a big lover of trees. and even more of photos of tress. this is gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

If we're rooting it back, back, back to the idea of merely creating anything at all, you're right. I agree with you, iain!
What about people with preferred mediums? That comes with time?
I want to find mine.
I'm jealous of everyone who paints, and writes. I want to have and own mine first. I want to see what it's like.

Anonymous said...

this reminds me of something i wrote in my journal a few months back - "i'm not interested in being beautiful, i'm interested in leading a beautiful life."

natanya said...

"And by that I mean, there's a good chance that if you can paint, you can write and if you can write you can paint. You might be better at one or the other or simply enjoy one more but being a creative person is about recognizing and translating beauty and truth in the world around you, through you. And that can work in a variety of different mediums."

This is the first time I have heard anyone except myself say these words. I've said them to other people, and they tend to think it's mildly amusing/snobbish. Thank you for the affirmation that being creative can mean many things to the same individual life.

klara said...

This is a very good idea. Thanks for the reminder.