Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Commerce

I would set up shop inside your heart and charge the world to love you.


Anonymous said...


[I am such a mush]

Anonymous said...

I don't need the world, all I need is you.

Anonymous said...

hahah. sweetly possessive. i'm melting.

Anonymous said...

Hehe, that's cute

Anonymous said...

but i want you to love me, iain.

Anonymous said...

having you to love me, means the world to me

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Whoever she is, she is the luckiest lady on the planet to have you love her. I've always wished these words belonged to someone else.

calm interlude said...


could i be the one to whom you refer to? im just kidding..XD

Anonymous said...

That's my favorite sentence.