Friday, January 9, 2009

The Escape Plan

I'm not the person you left behind anymore. There's no one here to miss.


Anonymous said...

this is my greatest fear.

Anonymous said...

I will always miss my bright-eyed boy.

Where did your light go?

Anonymous said...

I was afraid you'd say that, but really, it's a relief. Can I get on with falling in love with the person you've become?

Anonymous said...

All along I've been too afraid to admit this to myself...

Anonymous said...

Thank you, that was all I needed.

Anonymous said...


don't want this to happen...

Anonymous said...

and I'm no longer the same person who left you behind. We all change. I hope we can move on and get to know each other once again

Anonymous said...

Thank you M.

Anonymous said...

how true.. but that will only grow on u wit time..

Anonymous said...

it's true. things will never be the same.

trouble said...

I read your posts everyday. On the weekends I fervently flip back through them. It's funny because, though I read all of your posts and they are ambiguous enough that I could really fit every single one of them to my life in some way, there are some that just resonate in that deep dark scary place that we rarely visit. This is one of those for me. I struggle lately with living in the in between. In between homes, in between relationships, in between lives.

PS. I never think of these in your voice. I think of them in mine, or whichever his I like at the time.

But again, thank you for your gift. Though I know you struggle with this everyday, I thank you.

Anonymous said...

this is so sad
so sadly true.

even for me.

Anonymous said...

You have favorite number. Month and day. I wrote something for you there.