Monday, June 29, 2009

The Hope Of Symmetry

So you look for patterns because that's what humans do to try and make sense of things. In hope of some divine order. And you look in movies and songs and the things that you read for symbols, points and swirls that match your own. But the only real pattern there is, is the one you make when you hold up a mirror. And reflect.


Anna said...


Petra said...

This is me:S

Rosalina said...


icenine said...

<3 indeed. Very true...

Anonymous said...

this melts me.

E. said...

This is me looking for symbols and signs everywhere.Looking for an answer.
I think you are a wise man Iain.

Anonymous said...

I look for signs in everything. This is so true.

Hopeful Things said...

I'm not sure how you think of this stuff, it's fantastic.

debtink said...

I am ready to move from CA to OHIO. And I found a home I love because the patterns I see that are so similar, and yet so intensified.

I don't know if fate will back me up. My house must sell fast - or a good short term loan will come to me.

I just know if I sell and there is no home I love to move to, I'll feel lost.

The patternwould be broken

Anonymous said...

im looking at the mirror now..
and what i see is.....YOU

debtink said...

And the pattern broke. Cheated on for the last time I left my love and my home to live with my daughter in New Jersey. I stayed a year then moved again. I was right those years ago. I am hopelessly lost

Me said...

I'm so sorry Deborah, you were one of my very first readers and to hear what's happened to you breaks my heart. I hope yours mends soon and that you find a way to heal through this. I send you my warmest, kindest thoughts across the oceans.