The little things you forget, kill me.
I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
What Was It? I Forgot My Love. To Protect You?
I don't ever want to forget even the tiniest detail of our love's journey... that is why I record as much of it as I can along the way. Hastily scribbling, hoping nobody notices too much. Double checking and desperately scrawling. Ink companies owe you some free pens or something, Baby. I feel no guilt, because we both know that I,
that I,
live for your every word, each nuance. There is no going back for me. I have become spoiled, in the greatest way possible. And I love you for it.
the things you look past kill me too.
And the simplest things I remember, suffocates.
I guess in my mind, I think that since those little moments mattered so much to me--those lingering glances, when you held me and time stopped, your vague comments that would keep me awake for hours--that you would remember them too.
...but I suppose none of that matters anymore, does it?
....you wrote 'Take care' insted of 'love' in the end of your mail....and its hard to make my heart understand that these are just words!
I wish you could forget those huge, silly thoughts in yout head. Just remember me.
though forgetting me, was the worst.
I don't forget but how can I live; I need to know my life, touch, feel and hear the real, not empty air. I've stayed alone so long, waiting and wanting the right one to come along, but I'm falling apart on the inside, as weeks move in to months and years, and tears I can't hide...
My bounty is as deep as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite.-- William Shakespeare
you keep my going.
Your writing is very inspiring and everytime i read it am able to corelate issues.... thanks so much for touching people like me!! Keep up the good work.. all the way from Kenya.. much love.
How can you think I've forgotten? Because my words don't say it? My actions don't show it?
I'm so sorry for burying it, but I definitely have not forgotten!!!
Breathe! Live for me and for you!
I Love You❥
But the little things I forget are a thousand times worse. Because I do it on purpose.
Knowing you exist fills me up so much that sometimes a few things spill off the top. But its alsotrue that i just forget important things sometimes and it has nothing to do with them not being important to me...just a flaw in the wiring I fear.
Im sorry I appeared so selfish and have hurt you so.
I love you and dont expect even a friendship or glance ever again. I understand that you want me to just go away now but its hard or impossible right now...that hurts me to say but i didnt know i would fall in love to the point of losing everything else around me.
please forgive me and grant me a little more time to get over you enough so i wont keep hurting you and time to remember where i am and what i used to be...ive never thought anything but about you.
i will try my love as much as it will kill me to
i will always love you the most
Like that kiss you gave me. Even though it meant nothing to you, it means the world to me. You mean the world to me...
i always remember the little things, and he never notices. but I do. Oh, but I do.
I didn't mean to, but I don't know how to hold the past in the present without suffocating under its weight. Forgive me...I forget, even the little things, because I'm trying to keep breathing.
You're south african?
Sometimes the truth is so damn big,
it's hard to even remember my name.
I'm sorry I fort you. I waited as long as I could. I held on. I refused to grw up.
I starved myself of things I needed that you used to give me so you would be able to see how much I sacrificed for you.
I never told anyone about us. I wanted it to remain our delicious, dirty little secret.
I've learned since you were selfish, in ways that continue to confuse and disappoint me. You never really loved me but even worse you never loved yourself.
I still like dirty delicious secrets though, could you do one thing right and help me, please.
that picture is SO beautiful!!!! i love it.
super... :) one line means a lot ... :) bang on
please make these into a boo.
I read every post almost every day. Your words never get old.
But I didn't. Just wait. You can ask me when you see me.
And you forgot about the baseball cards I collect under my bed and the time I split tea on your mom's couch and we sat on it all night trying to cover it up. And you forgot I was allergic to mushrooms and the time we fell sleep on the roof watching the stars in the starless sky. And I know it's just small things and useless moments but it was us. It was who were, who we are. And if you forgot that you've already forgotten me.
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