Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The World Is Better Backwards

I never saw you again. You slammed the door as you came in. We yelled at each other about something that just shouldn't fucking matter but for some reason, it does. It happened. We spoke softly. We were in bed. I told you

"I love you."

You said the same. We went to movies and parties and friends and ate and drank and made love.

It all ended with my eyes meeting yours for the first time and the sudden, extreme feeling of expectation.

And now, how can I miss what has never existed.


suddenlyissoon said...

Fuck that's good.

R! said...

OMG!!! This is a masterpiece. Adore it...

JC Chavez said...

i read your blog every single day, go through previous posts if there aren't new ones. everything you write touches different facets of myself. you really do inspire me with your work. thank you.

Beyond said...

how can I miss that never existed.. u leave me speechless

rivercat said...

the doctor slapped my behind...
im not crying

im exploding

Anonymous said...

You are almost always exactly what I need to hear/see/read. Thanks guys :)

N. said...

Damn, that was awesome. This is brilliant :)

Natalie said...

Amazing. Bloody amazing.

Igraine DaSilva said...

Wow, simply amazing.

Anonymous said...

*Phew* Now that that's over,

what do you want from me,
my love?

Tell me we have what it takes to prove everyone wrong, and show them the way it should be.


Anonymous said...

Delusion Of The Imagine, If;
Delusion Of The Reset;
Delusion Of Thief;
Delusion Of The Wishful Tomorrow;
The False Echos Of Yesterday.
Mystique, with each step.

Maane Simpas said...

I love this. Even if you turned everything that's happened backwards, still makes sense. I love you!

Just another guy said...

So true, the feeling of expectations, there is no need for it. This was amazing

Anonymous said...


Alyaa said...

yasmine said...

that's inspiring. and amazing. and god, i just love it so much. this is real poetry right here. beautiful as always.

Ebony said...

And now I feel like sitting here and crying my heart out because I wanted it to be something it never was and never can be.

Mia said...

1000 hearts

Anonymous said...

wow. just wow

Unknown said...

Maybe I misunderstood. I couldn't breathe. I sat on the porch for what seemed like eternity. I drove to a nearby gas station and picked up hostess cupcakes, twinkies, big red, water, and a slushy to share. On my way back, I took a wrong turn. Then another. I was lost. No one paid attention. You never came looking for me. I wound up in a bad place. My tongue cut out and put in a box. I dream of things I could say but nothing comes out. Me in a box.

fayy. said...

i swear, this is the only blog that makes me cry. you make me cry with every post.

yingying said...

omigod. i love this so. you are awesome.

singitwithme said...

We have what it takes and then some... of this I am sure. We have what it takes if you so desire, as I so firmly do. I dream of finally finding you in an airport. Some wonderful day. XO

Mia said...

Thank you for writing my story so eloquently.

I still miss him.

Very much.

Anonymous said...

was this taken in singapore? You are in spore now??? ;D

Unknown said...

Thank you. This reminded me of what I wrote few days back:

I remember how, in the middle of our kisses and quiet conversation, you suddenly stood up to see where the sound of cats mating was coming from. They stopped and ran away when you got closer, and I remember getting a little annoyed for we only had very little time left. I should have left that instant, but I didn’t. Instead, I patiently waited for you to get back on your seat and bid my time, and I thought to myself, hell, if I’m going to break my heart, I might as well make the most of it.

Miss Philosophy said...

The Browning love story? It is an ideal, all too rare, and yet I hardly think it strange. It would have been far stranger had the fates allowed those two brilliant passionate souls to beat themselves out in silence. Marie Corelli

Anonymous said...

we love backward.
and then realize how wrong it was.

...you're good.

Unknown said...

And I've always hated the way you would come into my life and arrange things in my heart room.

Then you left by the same door you came in as though nothing happened.

But nothing's the same anymore. I can't find my keys, my piece of mind, my reasons to live. You were here and you destroyed the peace that was me.

You looked on. You just look.

IZZY said...

i felt like i could relate to this so much.

Hopeless Romantic said...

Honestly. I couldn't have put this into words if I had tried.

This is me right now. Exactly.

Thank you.

:-3 said...

"I should have left that instant, but I didn’t. Instead, I patiently waited for you to get back on your seat and bid my time, and I thought to myself, hell, if I’m going to break my heart, I might as well make the most of it."

"And now I feel like sitting here and crying my heart out because I wanted it to be something it never was and never can be."

"It all ended with my eyes meeting yours for the first time and the sudden, extreme feeling of expectation.

And now, how can I miss what has never existed."

How do we all feel the same loss of something that never could have been, yet all feel so alone. Unrequited lovers of the world, UNITE!

Lonely Girl said...

I think that's a great idea!

Aparna said...

"how can I miss what has never existed"
That's it.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and deep.

Anonymous said...

incomprehensibly moving and beautiful

Unknown said...

Its as if the story reads backwards, from the bottom up. Almost!

OoopsIDidItAgn said...

I promised myself never write here again. So many people relate to your words; I don't even know if they're meant to me. But I miss what we could be. I miss what we could had. I miss what we we could lived. And above all, I miss, desperately, you.

K said...


K said...


Anonymous said...

i searched here for hours looking for this one post.
this post that takes the words from my mouth, the pain from my heart.
now i can't stop crying.
i miss you.
but i don't know who you are.
i never did;
because we never were.

Anonymous said...

i push you away because part of me hopes you won't let me come back. i push you away because there's no one else i have found that gets under my skin like you do. i push you away because i need you. i push you away because i don't think i could handle you leaving me. again. i push you away because i know i'm not ready for forever yet, even if i seem like i am. i push you away because i think you're the only one i would want forever with

and it scares the hell out me.

whatever happens... i loved you then, i love you now and i will always love you.

D.F. said...

This scar isn't supposed to hurt.

Unknown said...

Because you make me wonder if it was better off not knowing you. If any of this was ever really worth it. Because were watching ourselves dissapear, fade to black like a movie and whether it's the end or beginning os left for us to ponder. And the only I can think about is at least there's no pain.